LACMA Signature Product Line

LACMA Signature Product Line by Design Lab students
LACMA Signature Product Line by Design Lab students
LACMA Signature Product Line by Design Lab students
LACMA Signature Product Line by Design Lab students
LACMA Signature Product Line by Design Lab students
LACMA Signature Product Line by Design Lab students
LACMA Signature Product Line by Design Lab students
LACMA Signature Product Line by Design Lab students

In partnership with the retail team at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), Design Lab conceptualized ideas for a new signature product line. Design Lab was encouraged to research, think creatively, and explore both branded and original product avenues.

Students began by spending time at LACMA, observing its collections, and researching the current lineup of store products as well as demographics and consumer trends. They also spent time with the design team at LACMA, learning the brand language and guidelines. In the initial phases of the project, students developed shopper personas and mood boards, which were revised and shaped by feedback from the retail team. Design Lab pitched many innovative products over the course of the engagement and received positive feedback and guidance from the LACMA retail team. Design Lab also learned some of the unique challenges associated with bringing new products to market. LACMA is currently developing a product based on one of Design Lab's concepts. We're excited to share more about this collaboration once it hits the shelves!

Project Team

Reanna Brown ‘23 Product Design

Esmeralda Escobar ‘23 Communication Arts

Douglas Bell ‘23 Product Design

Salan Hamamah ‘23 Communication Arts

Kelsey Lei ‘23 Communication Arts

Isabel Kim ‘23 Communication Arts


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