AICAD Focus Group Project by Design Lab students
AICAD Focus Group Project by Design Lab students

Design Lab was hired to create a logo for AICAD’s 2023 Student Success Conference, which was held on Otis College’s campus. The logo concepts needed to showcase the conference theme (FOCUS: Engaging, Motivating and Adapting) and visually express dynamic connections between the AICAD community and Otis College.

With such an abstract theme to work with, students spent a great deal of time ideating how to visually represent “focus” and the many different meanings of the word. They came up with a wide range of ideas, from the literal (eyes, cameras) to the abstract (diamonds, bullseyes). The final mark is modern and bold. The rings on the ‘O’ draw the eye to the center of the ‘bullseye’. The gradient on the ‘US’ highlights the importance of all of the different people coming together at the conference.

Project Team

Laura Salazar ‘23 Communication Arts

Charlie Utter ‘23 Communication Arts

Rose Ghazarian ‘23 Communication Arts


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