Jonathan Louis 2021

Jonathan Louis 2021 Project by Design Lab students
Jonathan Louis 2021 Project by Design Lab students

Jonathan Louis contracted Design Lab to provide upholstery furniture product sketches, a marketing plan, and an installation/display concept for the JL x Otis Collection. The Design Lab team was tasked by Jonathan Louis to create designs inspired by the future.

Design Lab created a modular furniture set called The Hive. The Hive collection was inspired by arrays of tessellations found in nature, specifically the shape and design found within beehives. The modular set is functional, adaptable, and customizable. The collection consists of modular hexagonal sectional pieces that allow consumers to purchase individual units and expand the collection at their discretion. The Design Lab team drew inspiration for the concept of “the future” from home and work spaces that had been altered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The modular set allows customers to adjust their living and work spaces accordingly.

Project Team

Treyvon Washington ‘23 Communication Arts

Isabel Kim ‘23 Communication Arts

Brandon Davis ‘21 Comm Arts

Matt Horn ‘21 Comm Arts

CJ Sierra ‘21 Product Design

Brittney Ludwig ‘21 Digital Media

Khang Nguyen ‘21 Comm Arts


Request Information