
Gender Pronouns

Otis College of Art and Design is committed to fostering an inclusive campus that values self-expression and respect for the variety of communities it serves. The College recognizes that many students, faculty, and staff choose to use a preferred first name rather than a legal name whenever a legal name is not absolutely necessary, limited by technology, or required by law.

At Otis College, students may request a preferred first name and preferred pronouns. The link to update your preferred first name and pronouns can be found on The Dashboard - Otis College reserves the right to remove or deny the preferred first name if used inappropriately. This includes, but is not limited to, names using foul or inappropriate language, names submitted to avoid a legal obligation, and names used to create misrepresentation. Each individual may request one preferred first name change during each twelve-month period.

For additional information regarding the Otis College Pronoun Policy, go to the Otis Pronoun Policy page.

It is a firm expectation that Otis community members recognize and use an individual’s pronouns and preferred first names when that information has been provided to them. Pronouns and preferred first names should be used whenever speaking with, or referring to, any member of the Otis College community who has indicated such a preference.

Mistakes may happen, and in those situations, we encourage individuals to apologize, and rephrase what they were saying or asking. However, intentionally using incorrect pronouns to refer to someone, or refusing to acknowledge an individual’s pronouns or name, may constitute a violation of the College’s Non Discrimination Policy. Referring to people using the wrong pronouns, especially on purpose, is disrespectful and can lead to feelings of alienation, exclusion, and overall dysphoria, and community members should not hesitate to report such behavior using the College’s Bias Incident Report Form. For additional information regarding the Otis College Pronoun Policy, go to the Otis Pronoun Policy page.

Preferred Name and Pronoun Policy

Data Privacy & Security

Gender identity data, including information about individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+, is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Access to this information through the College’s systems is restricted to staff who have a legitimate educational interest.

The College will primarily use this information in aggregate to make informed, data-driven decisions related to strategic resources and student, staff, and faculty support.

How to Update/Identify Your Gender identity at Otis College

To add, edit, or delete your gender identity:

  1. Log in to
  2. Select “Self Service Banner” under Campus Applications (for faculty/staff) or “Student Self Service” under Tech Tools (for students)
  3. Select “My Profile” and then “more personal information” under your profile picture
  4. Select “edit” within the Personal Details box
  5. Follow the steps on the page to add, edit or delete your gender identification information.

FOR EXTENSION STUDENTS: How to Update/Identify Your Gender identity in the Student Portal

To add, edit or delete your gender identity:

  1. Log in to your student portal
  2. Select “My Profile” in the left hand menu under “Student Home”
  3. Scroll down the the gender section and select your gender identification
  4. Scroll down the page and select save to update your information

Inquiries & Concerns

If you believe your gender identity information is being accessed or used inappropriately, and/or if you have suggestions for appropriate use, please report your concerns or recommendations to the following offices:

  • Registrar’s Office/One Stop - 
    • For students who have questions about the policy or how to update.
  • Extension Office - 
    • For extension students who have questions about this policy.
  • Human Resources and Development - 
    • For staff/faculty who have questions about the policy or how to update.
  • Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging - 
    • For general questions about this policy
  • Alumnx Relations/Institutional Advancement:
    • For alumnx, board of trustees, and board of governors who have questions or want information about how to update their gender identity fields.

Contact Us

The Division of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity & Inclusion supports holistic student development, student engagement, and co-curricular learning. Contact our team with questions. We’re here to help!

Phone: 310-665-6960

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