Impact of Alcohol and Other Drug Use

Information Regarding the Impact of Alcohol and Other Drug Use

The excessive use of alcohol, improper use of controlled substances and use of illicit drugs pose significant health risks to individuals including addiction, permanent injury and death. Additional risks include the following: impairment of reflexes making the operation of vehicles or machinery dangerous; short and long- term effects from mixing alcohol with over-the-counter or prescription medications, which may include permanent damage to organs or death; negative impacts on social and emotional well-being and on education and employment; birth defects if you are pregnant; long-term health problems including liver disease, heart disease, increased risk of cancer and pancreatitis. Additional information on the health risks associated with the excessive use of alcohol and use of controlled substances, as well as mixing medication with alcohol and other drugs may be obtained at the Student Health and Wellness Center.

Medical / Recreational Use of Marijuana

The college strictly prohibits the use of marijuana for medical or recreational purposes on campus, even if it otherwise meets the qualifications of the California Compassionate Use Act, Proposition 215, or the Adult Use of Marijuana Act, Proposition 64. Otis College does not recognize documented compassionate or recreational use on campus or in the residence halls or affiliated-housing after a student's use and/or possession is discovered. This includes all cannabis products including those containing CBD. Any student who believes he or she may be adversely affected by this policy may contact the Dean of Student Affairs for more information.

Parental Notification Policy

In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Dean of Student Affairs (or designee) reserves the right to notify the parents/guardians of students under 21 years of age, and the parents/guardians of dependent students, regardless of age, of any incident in which the student is found responsible for violating the College alcohol and drug policy. Additionally, if a student’s health and safety is deemed a significant risk, the Dean of Student Affairs or designee may notify parents of their student’s circumstances.

Policy on Illegal Drugs

Students are prohibited from the selling, manufacturing, distributing, possessing, and/or using illegal drugs on or off College property or at College-sponsored events in accordance with federal, state, and local laws.

Otis College does not permit the use of marijuana for any purpose on College property even if the use meets the qualifications of the California Compassionate Use Act, Proposition 215, and/or the Adult Use of Marijuana Act, Proposition 64. Therefore, even employees and/or students who qualify under Propositions 215 and 64 to use marijuana for medical and/or recreational purposes are not permitted to possess, store, provide, or use marijuana on Otis College owned or controlled property (including but not limited to residence halls, academic buildings, leased facilities, and parking lots), or during an Otis College-sanctioned activity or events regardless of the location. This includes all cannabis products including those containing CBD.

Examples of violations include the following:

  • Misuse of over-the-counter drugs;
  • Misuse or sharing of prescription drugs;
  • Possessing, using, being under the influence of, distributing, or manufacturing/growing any form of any illegal drug including marijuana;
  • Possessing, using, being under the influence of, distributing, or manufacturing any form of illegal drug;
  • Possessing paraphernalia (i.e., rolling papers, pipes, bongs, etc.) for intended or implied use of any form of illegal drug;
  • Possessing paraphernalia that contains or appears to contain illegal drug residue;
  • Purchasing or passing illegal drugs from one person to another;
  • Using mail services to purchase, pass, or distribute illegal drugs.

Students found in violation of the above policy will be subject to disciplinary action and are subject to all legal sanctions under federal, state, and local law for any offenses involving illegal drugs on College property or at College activities.

Contact Us

The Division of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity & Inclusion supports holistic student development, student engagement, and co-curricular learning. Contact our team with questions. We’re here to help!

Phone: 310-665-6960

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