Campus Facilities and Access

Bringing Guests or Children/dependents to Class/campus Activities

All degree-seeking students engaged in undergraduate and graduate programs must get advance permission from their instructor before bringing a guest to class. Children/dependents (under the age of 18) should not be brought into offices, classrooms, and other instructional and student support areas on a regular basis. On occasion, extenuating circumstances may arise when students, in their role as parents/guardians, must bring their children/dependents with them to campus. On such occasions, with the instructor’s advance permission, children/dependents may be brought into the classroom, but they must remain under the direct supervision of the parent/guardian and shall not be permitted to disrupt the learning environment. Students must avoid bringing children/dependents to classrooms/studios on days of exams/presentations. Parents/guardians failing to supervise their children/dependents sufficiently may be asked to remove the children/dependents from campus grounds. Students as parents/guardians are responsible for the behavior of their children/dependents on campus and are subject to disciplinary sanctions according to the Otis College Code of Conduct for any disruptive or destructive behavior by their children/dependents. Parents/guardians are responsible and liable for any and all injuries or damages sustained to or by their child/dependent while on the College campus, unless caused by the sole negligence of the College, its officers, agents, or employees.

Campus Access

Otis College of Art and Design is an independent College, and its facilities, buildings, properties, and grounds (hereafter “campus”) are private property. Access to the College campus, including the Goldsmith Campus and all off-site locations, is permitted only with Otis’ consent, which may be withdrawn at any time for any reason. Please refer to the Otis College of Art and Design website for more details on the general Campus Access and Trespass Policy at


No chalking is allowed of any kind anywhere on the Otis College campus grounds. Additionally, no individual or groups external to the College are allowed to chalk.

Flag Policy

The Otis College of Art and Design Flag Pole is the culmination of an initiative of the Otis Veterans Association. This initiative was actualized due to the support of the College and the Ahmanson Foundation. The Otis Veterans Association continues to maintain the American flag flown on the pole. This flag pole is outfitted to hold one flag. The flag is illuminated so that it can be displayed at night.

This policy was developed to assure clarity in management of the flagpole, located outside the Galef Building which flies the United States flag. It is the policy of Otis College of Art and Design that the flagpole outside the Galef Building is the only official flagpole and is to be the only flagpole on the Goldsmith Campus. It is for the purpose of flying the colors of the United States. No other flag is to be flown from this flagpole. The display of the United States flag will be in accord with federal law and College policy, and with proclamations by the President of the United States, the Governor of California, and the President of the College.

Lowering of the Flag to Half-staff

The United States flag will be flown on this flag pole year-round and will be lowered to half-staff to recognize and honor important occurrences. The lowering of the flag to half-staff is done, traditionally, when the entire nation is in mourning. These periods of mourning are proclaimed either by the President of the United States, for national remembrance, or the Governor of the State of California, for local remembrance, in the event of a death of a member or former member of the federal, state government, or judiciary.

The process of lowering/removing the flag is facilitated by the Office of Campus Safety and Security.

Request for Use of Flag Pole

Students who wish to use the flag pole for other purposes must complete a formal request using the College’s Exhibition and Facilities Use Contract. Please contact Campus Safety and Security at or at 310-665-6965 if you have any questions about this policy.

Guest Speakers on Campus

It is the policy of the campus to foster a spirit of free inquiry and to encourage the timely discussion of the broad range of issues that concern our community, provided that the views expressed are stated openly and are subject to critical evaluation. Within our prevailing standards of decency and honesty, this policy will be construed to mean that within the context of the College and consistent with the institutional mission and values, controversial topics may be raised for intelligent discussion on the campus. Guest speakers do not represent the ideas, opinions, or political/ideological positions of Otis College. Restraints on free inquiry should be held to that minimum which is consistent with preserving a community in which change is accomplished by peaceful democratic means, even if it involves robust debate. Students, either as individuals or as members of recognized student organizations, who act in violation of the provisions of this rule will be subject to Conduct procedures and actions as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.

Student Organization Responsibilities

A registered student organization, after consulting with and obtaining prior approval of its advisor, may invite guest speakers to the campus to address meetings, subject to the following provisions:

  • Sponsorship must be by a registered student organization.
  • Proper arrangements for the use of College facilities must be made, consistent with institutional policy.
  • It must be clear that the student organization, not the College, is extending the invitation and that any views the speaker may express are his or her own and not those of the College.
  • The student organization must take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that the meeting is conducted in an orderly manner. This may necessitate consultation with Campus Safety and Security and/or hiring of outside Security.
  • The student organization must provide means for critical evaluation of the speaker’s view, which must include, at a minimum, an open question period following the speaker’s presentation.
  • The student organization must comply with any and all conditions for the orderly and scholarly conduct of the meeting.

Guest Speaker Responsibilities

A speaker invited by a student organization must not advocate action or urge the audience to take action which is illegal under the laws of the United States, California, or which is prohibited by the rules of the College or the Code of Student Conduct. It is the responsibility of the student organization to inform speakers in writing of this prohibition. 


Lockers are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and are assigned by Technical Support Services (TSS). Instructions are posted at the Tool Crib (Ahmanson 701) at the start of the term. Lockers are the only official storage areas for student artwork and materials. Lockers are to be kept locked at all times. Otis College is not liable for material left in lockers or other parts of the building. Students are responsible for the condition of their lockers and will be charged for any necessary repairs. Lockers must be cleared out by the end of the second week after the last day of class of the spring term. Any lockers occupied after that time will have the lock removed and the contents disposed of. For additional information, please refer to the locker policy, issued to each student upon assignment of a locker.

Lost and Found

The Campus Safety and Security Office is the Lost and Found site. If you find an item that may have been lost, take it to the Safety and Security Office. To increase your chances of having lost items returned, write your name and phone number in your books and notebooks, use laundry-proof marking pens for clothing and bags, and inscribe items such as cameras using an electric engraver, which can be borrowed from the Tool Crib.


Commuter Students may not use the Otis College address as a mailing address unless permission has been given by the Dean of Student Affairs or designee and the Director of Purchasing. Residential students will be assigned a mailbox at the time of move-in into the residence hall. Residents must follow all mail policies associated with residential mailboxes as outlined in their Hallway Handbook. Any mail policies and procedures at our affiliated residential housing locations (i.e. Park West) must be followed and are overseen by the third party property management. Residence Life and Housing will communicate those policies, procedures, and mailbox assignments and will refer students to appropriate staff within those affiliated housing locations for any questions or issues/concerns.

On-Campus Parking

Vehicles parked on College grounds must display a permit at all times. Vehicles without a valid Otis College parking permit will be cited and/or towed by Campus Safety. Parking permits are available by submitting an online form located at under Campus Safety or directly at this link: Full- or part-time students are expected to follow all posted signs and placards, and park in designated spaces only. Tickets will be issued to individuals parked in more than one space, in a reserved space, or in areas assigned for visitors, disabled persons, or carpool parking. All vehicles parked in Visitor Parking must display a valid visitor permit, available in the Security Office. All parking violations carry a minimum fine of $25. Student fines will be posted to student accounts. Some violations also carry additional fines assessed by the city and/or county government. Unpaid fines are considered holds on a student’s account and will prevent the student from registering for classes and/or completing other College business. The parking structure is secured from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and may only be accessed with a valid Otis College ID card.

Otis College of Art and Design provides parking for faculty, employees, students, vendors, and visitors. Available parking spaces are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis each day. This policy is not a guarantee that a parking space will be provided or available at all times.

Loitering in the parking area after normal day or evening classes and/or special activities is prohibited. Students must be aware that Otis College does not carry any responsibility with respect to any losses to student vehicles from fire, theft, vandalism, or from any other causes, while parking on campus. Otis College reserves the right, after a reasonable attempt is made to contact the owner(s), or notice has been posted, to remove illegally parked or abandoned vehicle or any vehicle parked in such a way as to constitute a serious hazard to other vehicles or pedestrian traffic or to the movement and operation of emergency equipment. Otis College shall not be liable for any damage to any vehicle which occurs during the removal or impoundment.

Sales and Solicitation

Canvassing or soliciting for funds, sales, or subscriptions is prohibited on campus or in College buildings unless written permission has been granted by the Dean of Student Affairs (or designee) for students. Additionally, outside and for-profit groups are not allowed to sell items or solicit members of the College community on campus without prior approval from the Dean of Student Affairs (or designee). Posters, flyers, and other event advertisements must be approved by the Director of Student Engagement and Leadership prior to posting or distribution. The sale of merchandise, publications, or service on College property, other than by contracted vendors, authorized stores, restaurants, departments or divisions of the College, is likewise prohibited except upon written permission from an Otis College senior administrator (or designee).

Student Access to Facilities—goldsmith Campus

In order to meet program needs and accommodate work schedules, degree students may access the Goldsmith Campus facilities 24 hours a day, commencing with the first day of classes and ending on the last scheduled day of class/critique, except during holiday periods. Facilities access is subject to the guidelines and limitations below. Any person who fails to comply with these policies will forfeit the right to 24-hour access and will not be permitted on campus from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Any student intending to access campus after 11:00 p.m. will need to swipe their student identification card at key entry points that are restricted by access control readers including the parking garage and all exterior pedestrian gates. Certain buildings and locations are also restricted by access control readers. Students with guests will need to obtain a guest pass from the Campus Safety & Security office located on the first floor of the Academic building. To register a guest, the student and guest must present to the security officer the following: (a) a valid Otis College ID card, (b) first and last names, (c) anticipated work location(s), and (d) signature in the sign-in book. The student must accompany their guest at all times. 

The Wood Shop and the Metal Shop are unavailable to students outside the hours posted for each shop. For safety reasons, students are not allowed to use personal power tools outside the shop areas. All currently enrolled students will be given After-Hours access to designated computer labs in Ahmanson and Galef via their Student ID access card. After-Hours lab availability will be posted for each building with a schedule on the Labs and Shops Dashboard and is typically outside of instruction hours. Students using the labs after-hours are responsible for monitoring access to the respective lab and may not permit access to anyone that does not have a valid student ID. The computer lab doors are to remain locked and may not be propped-open or otherwise left ajar during after-hours use. Students will be permitted to leave and return to the labs after-hours using their valid Student ID access card.

In the event of an emergency, the red phones located on each floor provide direct access to the security guard and may also be used to call 9-1-1. Emergency blue phones are located on the perimeter of the campus and can be used to contact Campus Security.

Student Use of College Facilities

All students planning to install an exhibit or perform an installation of any kind must first obtain an “Exhibition and Facilities Use contract.” This must be done by filling out and obtaining the necessary signatures on the Contract, available from each respective department chair. Exhibitions, installations, art projects, or performances within, on, or about any Otis College premises without a valid Exhibition contract with all required signatures will not be permitted. All Otis College Students must abide by state and local fire, building, electrical, and health codes when preparing art piece installations, film shoots, and all other projects. When in doubt, students are encouraged to consult with their instructors or the Environmental health, safety, and security manager.

No student project may obstruct or block any fire exits, escape pathways, fire exit corridors, aisles, doors, or stairwells and staircases. Same applies to any preparatory work attributed to an individual student project. No student project may be suspended from, affixed to, prevent normal function of, or block access to any electrical fixtures. No student project may be installed in front of or inside elevators or inside facility restrooms. No student project may obstruct by virtue of its installation the normal functions of all receptionist areas, information desks, and security stations. Fire extinguishers, heat and smoke detectors, pull stations, sprinkler heads and pipes, automatic door closers, evacuation signs, exit signs, smoke-free building signs, and emergency lights are all considered “life safety devices.” Tampering with, vandalizing, or misusing any of these devices constitutes a very serious offense under California law.

Visiting a Class

Students on occasion and with permission from the faculty of record may invite a visitor to a class in which they are enrolled (all Otis College student classroom behavior is subject to the Code of Student Conduct as outlined in The Hoot; please refer to the Bringing Guests or Children/Dependents to Class policy regarding non-Otis College visitors). If a student enrolled in a course invites and seeks permission to bring a visitor, the student host is responsible for maintaining appropriate behaviors (both their own and that of an approved visitor) as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct. It is strongly recommended that students seek permission for classroom visitors at least 3 days in advance of a requested classroom visit.

Contact Us

The Division of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity & Inclusion supports holistic student development, student engagement, and co-curricular learning. Contact our team with questions. We’re here to help!

Phone: 310-665-6960

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