Pregnant and Parenting Students
Otis College supports pregnant and parenting students so that they may stay in school and complete their education, and thereby build better lives for themselves and their children. It is illegal under Title IX for schools to exclude pregnant students (or students who have been pregnant) from participating in any part of an educational program, including co-curricular activities. Otis College is committed to full participation by pregnant, nursing and parenting students. In response to notification of need, the College may implement special instructional programs or classes for pregnant students. Participation is completely voluntary on the part of the student, and any programs and classes offered will be comparable to those offered to other students with regard to the range of academic, co-curricular, and enrichment opportunities.
The College treats pregnant students in the same way that any similarly situated student is treated. Thus, any special services provided to students who have temporary medical conditions are also provided to pregnant students. Likewise, a student who is pregnant or has given birth will not be required to submit medical certification for school participation unless such certification is also required for all other students with physical or emotional conditions requiring the attention of a physician.
Otis College will excuse a student’s absences because of pregnancy or childbirth for as long as the student’s doctor deems the absences medically necessary. When a student returns to the College, she will be allowed to return to the same academic and co-curricular status as before her medical leave began.
The Lactation Room is a temporary private room for nursing mothers. It is for use by faculty, staff and students only. Any student needing to use the Lactation Room should work with the Disability Services ( to facilitate access. The Lactation Room is located in Ahmanson 100C.
Questions regarding this policy and its implementation should be directed to Disability Services ( or (310) 846-2554.
Religious Accommodations Policy
Otis College of Art and Design respects the religious beliefs of all members of the community, affirms their rights to observe significant religious holy days, and will make reasonable accommodations, upon request, for such observances. If one’s religious observance is in conflict with the academic experience, the student should inform their instructor(s) of the dates of religious holy days by the second week of any term. It is the student’s responsibility to discuss reasonable accommodations with their instructor(s).
Types of instances / absences that the policy supports:
- Class absence - excused absence from a scheduled academic class / classes due to a religious conflict that falls on the same day as the class itself. Missing a class due to travel associated with a particular holiday does not constitute an excused absence and faculty do not have to consider such requests for accommodations.
- Missed exam/critique – excused absence from an exam or critique scheduled on a date/time in conflict with a religious holy day. Reasonable accommodations can be made to take an exam earlier or later than the date/time in conflict, or to find an alternative date/time to critique the student’s work. If instructors require a make-up exam, they retain the right to determine the content of the exam, the conditions of its administration, with considerations given to equitable treatment. Missing an exam or critique due to travel associated with a particular holiday does not constitute an excused absence and faculty do not have to consider such requests for accommodations.
- Deadline conflict – reasonable accommodations for academic work that is due on a date / time in conflict with a religious holy day. In such cases work can be submitted earlier or later than the date in conflict. Missing a deadline due to travel associated with a particular holiday does not constitute an excused absence and faculty do not have to consider such requests for accommodations.
Process and Expectations
Students requesting absence from class, excuse from an exam/critique, or accommodations with an academic deadline, should notify the faculty member(s) in writing (by email) as soon as the conflict is identified. Out of respect for the academic process, students should notify faculty no later than two weeks into the academic term.
Faculty members will, upon receiving the request for a religious accommodation, submit the request to the Chair of their department and the Provost, and meet with the student to discuss reasonable accommodations. Faculty and Chairs may contact the Provost’s office for guidance.
Absences due to religious holidays or holy days will be excused. Students who are absent for religious observance are responsible for staying current with coursework, exams, projects and other academic requirements, and must submit missed work by the accommodations deadline agreed upon with the faculty member.
Steps / Tips for working with your professors:
- Make contact with your instructor(s) well in advance, ideally at the beginning of the academic term. Review the course syllabus and identify dates in potential conflict with your religious observance.
- Speak with your instructor(s) about and submit in writing (email) the dates(s) and time(s) you plan to be absent. This should be done no later than two weeks into the academic term
- Be prepared to discuss the personal, social, or cultural relevance of your request to be excused for religious observance.
- Discuss if you need to be absent for all or part of the class.
- Present potential alternatives if you’re planning to be absent during a critical class session.
- Discuss how you plan to obtain missed info or materials due to your absence. Absence from class does not necessarily excuse you from any information shared during the missed class or other class expectations.
If a student feels that a reasonable accommodation is being denied, the student should discuss the issue with their department Chair. If after speaking with the department Chair, the student feels that reasonable accommodation is being denied, the student should discuss the issue with the Provost ( who will serve as the final authority. Students can seek advice or guidance at any point by speaking with the Dean of Student Affairs or email
As a recognized institution of higher learning, Otis College welcomes veterans and the dependents of 100% service-connected, disabled, or deceased veterans who qualify under the provisions of the United States public laws pertaining to their education. Otis College is a participant in the Yellow Ribbon Program. Veterans must be accepted into a degree program to be eligible for Veterans Administration benefits. For more information on the services, programs and opportunities for Veterans, please visit our Veterans information site at