The Otis College BFA in Animation offers an immersive and interdisciplinary curriculum that embraces digital cinematography, entertainment, graphic design, and art.

In this program, you will explore all aspects of the animation process, including storyboarding, character design, 3D modeling, animation, rendering, and sound. Along the way, you will gain experience in a wide range of techniques, including 2D and 3D computer animation. Through learning how to successfully conceive and develop complex graphics, this program will shape you into a well-rounded animation professional.

Student animation rendering


Energize animation education, develop inventive and creative storytellers who will lead the way.

Student animation rendering


Train artists with strong storytelling skills synergized with production techniques and essential soft skills which will elevate artists to conquer higher level challenges.

Learning Outcomes

Upon graduating from the BFA in Animation program, will be able to:

  • Collect, identify and analyze information to create elegant and creative solutions for the creation of animation content.
  • Apply mastery of skills such as, story structure, animation principles and cinematography and filmmaking techniques to create, conceptualize, plan and organize for pre-production, production and post-production.
  • Be self-directed, motivated, and adaptive in learning the latest techniques and tools to collect, identify and analyze information to create elegant and creative solutions for the creation of digital media.
  • Assume responsibility for collaboration production work with diverse teams across multiple media disciplines and value the individual contributions made by each team member.
  • Create social awareness and show compassion in using their content to give back to the community by understanding the impact of media and how it relates to and influences behaviors across cultures and global boundaries.
  • Be able to communicate effectively to articulate their work and ideas while working with others in pursuit of a common goal.

Skills You Will Learn:

  • Animation
  • Drawing
  • Color Theory & Design 
  • Storyboarding & Previz 
  • Visual Development & Storytelling
  • 3D production (Modeling, Lighting Rendering)

Software You Will Grasp:

  • Maya
  • Adobe Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Premier)
  • ToonBoom 
  • Cinema 4D 
  • Unreal 
  • Houdini 
  • Nuke 
  • ZBrush

Key Program Projects:

  • Animation Explorations 
  • Animation Studio Project I & II
  • Animation Senior Project I & II

Course Sequence 

Course Title

Course Number



*Must be completed during this academic year, semester may be assigned for CAIL course

**Animation Internship may be taken once in place of Animation Senior Project I or II