Other Academic Policies

Other Academic Policies Attendance

Attendance is critical to learning and academic success. Consistent attendance by all students benefits everyone and allows class communities to learn in an efficient and productive manner without disruption. Nonetheless, we acknowledge that there are times when a student must miss a class meeting. At Otis College of Art and Design, students will take responsibility for their absences and for meeting assignment requirements and deadlines. Student responsibility and proactivity are valued at Otis College of Art and Design. Students who have requests or accommodations related to a disability or religious observance, please refer to the Disabilities/ADA Policy and the Religious Accommodations Policy within the policies section of the student handbook.

Students are not expected or required to disclose reasons for their absences.

Student absences are determined to be “excused” or “unexcused” per the following criteria.

  • An absence is recorded as “excused” if the student completes and submits course work missed due to an absence.
  • An absence is recorded as “unexcused” if the student does not submit course work missed due to an absence.

Each instructor will indicate the accepted timeframe for submitting coursework missed due to an absence on the course syllabus.

Some class meetings or experiences cannot be made up (“excused”), therefore an absence on those dates is automatically recorded as “unexcused.” The instructor determines which and how many class meetings or experiences cannot be made up (“excused”) and indicates them on the course schedule.

Consequences of “Unexcused” Absences:

During the fall and spring semesters, students must not incur more than:

  • 3 “unexcused” absences in a course that meets once per week
  • 4 “unexcused” absences in a course that meets twice per week
  • 5 “unexcused” absences in a course that meets three times per week.

During the 10-week summer semester, students must not incur more than:

  • 2 “unexcused” absences in a course that meets once per week
  • 3 “unexcused” absences in a course that meets twice per week
  • 4 “unexcused” absences in a course that meets three times per week.

After a student reaches the maximum number of “unexcused” absences, as quantified above, the student will receive a failing grade for the course.

Arriving Late or Leaving Early

A “tardy” is arriving late for class or leaving class early. The instructor determines the timeframe for a “tardy,” the consequence of a tardy, and includes this information on the course syllabus.

Auditing Courses

The College has a no course auditing policy. Auditing a class in which a student is not officially registered is not permitted.

eLearning Courses

Otis College is aware of and embraces the potential learning-enhancing value of eLearning in various manifestations. Myriad literature suggests that, when executed thoughtfully, eLearning can help students manage their schedules, review class materials, and organize their efforts productively and thereby enhance overall learning in specific courses.

Otis College will take advantage of the flexibility and opportunity provided in virtual instruction offering many eLearning courses. Various programs offer options to take 100% online courses, blended courses where half of the instruction takes place in the physical classroom while the other half occurs virtually online, and hyflex courses where students can take the same course online or on-campus. This virtual instruction can occur synchronously, instruction occurring at a specific day and time, or asynchronously, working independently within a given time frame. Such classes are designated in the course description and with the following codes on the course schedule: BL = Blended, OL = Online, HY = HyFlex, SY = Synchronous, AS = Asynchronous. Please note that when in a virtual learning environment, contact with your faculty and/or completion of at least 1 coursework activity by the specified due date will constitute your attendance for that week.

General Course Adjustments

The College makes all reasonable efforts to deliver the courses, programs, research opportunities, and other services and facilities as described in its printed or online materials. However, the College is entitled, if it reasonably considers necessary (including to maintain the safety of the Otis Community, to manage resources efficiently, or to maintain the integrity of its courses and programs):

  1. To alter the time, location, number of classes, and method of delivery of courses and programs as reasonable or necessary.
  2. To make reasonable variations to the content and syllabus of courses and programs.
  3. To suspend, discontinue, or combine courses or programs as the College considers reasonable or necessary (for example, because too few students enroll, or if a key faculty member is unwell or leaves the College).
  4. To record and/or stream classroom Zoom sessions to ensure the content is accessible to all students enrolled in the class (the Otis College web-conferencing system, Zoom, is used to support classroom instruction). Recordings and streams are considered educational materials and will be shared only with those enrolled in the class.
  5. To make any necessary changes to its policies and procedures.

Except in circumstances beyond its reasonable control, the College will make all reasonable efforts to communicate significant changes or cancellations before a course or program begins, and to provide options for reasonable alternatives where appropriate.

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The Division of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity & Inclusion supports holistic student development, student engagement, and co-curricular learning. Contact our team with questions. We’re here to help!

Phone: 310-665-6960

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