Graduation Information

Graduation Requirements

A final degree evaluation determines that all course requirements for the major and the minimum grade point average requirements have been met.

A BFA student must have completed a minimum of 120 degree applicable credits and have a minimum overall cumulative grade point average of 2.0. MFA students must successfully complete all required coursework for their program with a minimum grade of Low Pass. Students anticipating graduation must complete a Petition for Graduation available online through the MyOtis. All graduating students must have their accounts current with Student Financial Services. In addition, graduating students who have received grants, loans, or other aid must schedule an exit interview with the Office of Financial Aid.

Official diplomas are ordered after verification of successful completion of degree requirements and after all accounts have been cleared. The student will be notified by the One Stop once their diploma becomes available. Students must keep the One Stop informed of their current contact information to ensure that diplomas are mailed to the correct address. If you have questions about your diploma, please contact the One Stop at

BFA program students must complete all degree requirements within a period of ten (10) years from their first date of registration. MFA students must complete all degree requirements within five (5) years from their first date of registration.

Students must normally fulfill the department major or program requirements in effect at the time of their entry year as Foundation students. But, if these requirements have been revised, students may be required to fulfill the requirements with the most recent date. Students are advised to consult with the Academic Advising Office and the Chairperson of the major department or the appropriate Program Director for the correct information.

Otis College strives to assure the accuracy of the information in the Course Catalog. However, the College reserves the right to make corrections as necessary to the Course Catalog. Otis College reserves the right to make changes to degree program requirements, academic and administrative policies and regulations, and course offerings published in the Course Catalog. These changes will be reflected as official addenda to the Course Catalog.

Credit Requirements

The BFA degree requires completion of 120 total credits for all departments. This number includes a total minimum of 42 liberal arts and sciences units. Please check department listings for actual credit distribution requirements.

The MFA degree in Fine Arts and Graphic Design, requires completion of 60 credits. Please check department listings for actual credit distribution requirements.

Definition of Studio and Lecture Credit

One credit unit generates 3 hours of academic engagement (instructional activities + homework). A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates no less than:

  1. One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or
  2. At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution, including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

In eLearning Classes: One credit unit is awarded for 3 hours of academic engagement (instructional activities + homework). Instructional activities can be completed either face-to-face, synchronously or asynchronously, and constitute attendance during virtual instruction. Students in eLearning courses are responsible for the completion of all required academic engagements (instructional activities + homework).

Foundation Studio Requirement

Students must complete any missing Foundation studio courses before they begin their junior level studio courses. The missing requirements may be taken during the fall, spring, or summer semesters at Otis College or, with the Foundation Chair’s approval, they may be completed off campus at an accredited community college or university. In some cases, students may be permitted to substitute a different studio course for selected missing Foundation work. The Foundation Chair must approve any such course substitution prior to enrollment in the course.

Independent Study

An Independent Study is a special course designed by the student with a supervising instructor and approved by the department chair. Independent Study courses are intended to provide instruction in special topics not covered in the regular curriculum. Students taking an independent Study meet one on one with the assigned faculty and do not sit in on regular class meetings of a course they are not enrolled in. Students may enroll in no more than six credits of Independent Study per semester.Full time students can take an independent study within their 18 credits.

  • Independent study courses may only cover content outside of regular curriculum offerings.
  • Independent study courses may be approved for students who need to complete their course work to graduate in time.

To apply for an Independent Study course, students must complete the following steps:

  • Register for an Independent Study course.
  • Complete an Independent Study Course Proposal form available online in MyOtis, and have it approved by the supervising faculty and signed and approved by the appropriate chair (chair of the student’s major department or the chair of Liberal Arts and Sciences).
  • Submit the completed Independent Study Course Proposal form by the deadline as indicated in the Academic Calendar.

Foundation Forward

Foundation Forward provides Foundation students opportunities during the Foundation year to gather information and meet key people before selecting a Major to join for their remaining three years of study. In October, Foundation Forward department presentations provide an opportunity to meet with the Chair, faculty and students of each of the Majors and the Minors.

Students declare their choice of Major in November. Students may also pursue a Minor by entering one of the Majors and taking a number of elective courses outside the Major.

Impacted Majors

Based on space availability, enrollment in a specific academic major, area of emphasis, or minor is not guaranteed. Students that select a major that becomes impacted (more students selecting the major than there are spaces available) may be subject to additional academic review which may include all or some of the following important criteria:

  • Grade Point Average (GPA)
  • Additional portfolio requirements
  • Other requirements as determined by the major department

If a student declares a major that becomes impacted, they may be placed on a waiting list for that major. Students placed on a waiting list will be notified as soon as possible and be given detailed information on their options at that time.


Commencement takes place once a year, at the end of the spring semester. To participate in the Commencement ceremony, BFA students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 at the end of the previous fall semester and should be on track to complete all degree requirements by the end of spring term. BFA students missing up to a maximum of six credits toward their degree who wish to participate in Commencement must submit an Application for Inclusion in Commencement to the Registrar Office for approval. If the Application is approved, the student may participate in Commencement. An undergraduate student whose cumulative grade point average is 3.5 or above at the end of the previous fall semester is eligible for graduation with honors and this distinction is noted in the Commencement program. An undergraduate student whose cumulative grade point average is 3.5 or above at the end of their final semester will have the graduation with honors distinction noted on their transcript and diploma.

To participate in the Commencement ceremony, MFA students should be on track to complete all degree requirements by the end of the spring semester. MFA students missing up to a maximum of three credits toward their degree who wish to participate in Commencement must submit an Application for Inclusion in Commencement to the Registrar Office for approval. If the Application is approved, the student may participate in Commencement.

All BFA and MFA students who wish to participate in Commencement must have all accounts current and in good standing with the College.

Degree Conferral Dates for the semester are as follows:

  • Fall Semester: January 1st
  • Spring Semester: Commencement Date
  • Summer Semester: September 1st

Award of Posthumous Degree

A posthumous degree may be awarded to a deceased undergraduate student who was within 18 credits of the completion of the requirements for graduation or to a deceased graduate student who was within 12 credit hours of the completion of the requirements for graduation. The student must have been enrolled during the two regular semesters previous to their death. The College’s cumulative and semester academic good standing requirements must be met. The appropriate degree may be awarded posthumously on the recommendation of the Department Chair with the approval of the Provost. If approved, the Provost Office will notify the immediate family of the awarding of the posthumous degree. The student’s transcript will show a notation that the degree was awarded posthumously.

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