Transfer Credits

Transfer Credits Granted for Courses Taken Prior to Admission

In reviewing an application for admission to Otis College, the Admissions Office will assess all previous College transcripts for transferability of prior credit and will send a Transfer Evaluation to the applicant. (Please note: failure to provide all transcripts of previous College coursework at the time of application is a Code of Student Conduct violation and may result in disciplinary action). Every applicant will have previous college credits assessed for applicability toward general liberal arts and sciences requirements. In addition, students accepted at the sophomore level will receive up to 18 transfer credits applied to Foundation Studio requirements. Students accepted at the junior level may receive up to a combined total of 63 credits toward studio and liberal arts and sciences requirements.

In order to be eligible for transfer, courses taken at other institutions must be similar in contact hours, content, purpose, and standards to Otis College courses. The student must have received a grade of C or better for the transfer credit to be accepted at Otis College. Transfer credit will be accepted from appropriately accredited institutions in the U.S. or from international Colleges of comparable status. If the student believes that there are additional credits that should be considered for transfer, the student must complete a Transfer Credit Approval Request form (available online through MyOtis) for each course and have the form(s) approved by the Department Chair and Registrar prior to the beginning of their junior year.

Junior transfer students have up to the fourth week of their first semester of classes to request consideration of transfer credits in addition to those accepted by the Admissions Office. No additional credit will be accepted for coursework completed prior to matriculation to Otis after these deadlines have passed, except in the case of an approved change in major. Courses intended to transfer toward upper division (junior and senior level) requirements must be taken at a four-year college or university at the junior or senior level and be similar in content and credits conferred.

Transfer Credits Granted for Courses Taken After Matriculation to Otis

Students at the freshman and sophomore levels may, with prior approval, complete coursework at other accredited colleges and universities and transfer the credits earned to their record at Otis College, based on the policies and procedures listed below. Students are strongly encouraged to complete a Transfer Credit Approval Request Form (available online through MyOtis) to ensure that the course is equivalent and fitting for transfer to Otis College.

Courses taken at other institutions must be similar in contact hours, semester system, content, purpose and standards to Otis College courses. Specifically:

  • Community college courses will be accepted for general education and lower division (freshman and sophomore level) Otis College credits only.
  • Courses intended to transfer toward upper division (junior and senior level) core requirements must be taken at a four-year college or university at the junior or senior level, and be similar in content and credits conferred.
  • Only grades of C or better are transferable.
  • Junior and senior students at Otis College may not take courses at other institutions and apply the credits earned to their Otis College transcript and degree. All courses taken at another institution must be approved and completed prior to the beginning of an Otis College student’s junior year. Exceptions to this policy are warranted only in cases involving unusual or extenuating circumstances that would normally not be faced by other students and require written approval from the Registrar and the Provost.

Only credit is transferred for courses taken at other institutions. Transferred course grades are not applied to the student’s grade point average (GPA.) Off-campus study does not become a part of a student’s record until the Request for Approval of Transfer Credit Form, along with official transcripts, are submitted to and approved by the Registrar.

Transfer Credit Assessment upon Change of Major

Students who wish to change majors must meet with Academic Advising. The Change of Major process must be completed and approved by the last day to add a class, as shown on the academic calendar for the change of major to be effective during that current semester.

Please note: Changes in major may result in the loss of some credits taken for the previous major. Students may be asked to make up required classes that did not transfer and are responsible for completion of all degree requirements for the new major. Students may request a change of major and enter the new major at the sophomore or junior class level only. Changes of major at the senior class level will not be approved. The College is not responsible for any additional fees or delay in graduation resulting from changes in major.

Total Number of Transfer Credits and Residency Requirements

Otis College has a minimum undergraduate residency requirement for graduation of 57 credits; therefore, undergraduate students may transfer in a maximum of 63 credits from other institutions. Graduate programs in Fine Arts and Graphic Design have a minimum residency requirement for graduation of 45 credits; therefore, students in these graduate majors may transfer in a maximum of 15 credits.

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