Though the area surrounding Otis is relatively safe, please be cautious and aware of your surroundings.

 Safety tips:
  • Download the LiveSafe App.
  • There is safety in numbers. Walk in groups or use the buddy system, especially after dark.
  • Walk briskly and know your destination. If you see anyone who looks suspicious, change your path and cross the street. 
  • Walk in well-lighted and well-trafficked areas. Avoid shortcuts  through alleys, past heavy foliage or near other places where someone might be hiding. 
  • Do not carry large amounts of cash or wear expensive jewelry that draws attention to you. Carry bags, purses, or valuable equipment such as cameras and computers close to your body or out of sight.

Vehicles parked on the street can present an easy opportunity for thieves and vandals. Keep valuables out of sight in a locked trunk or leave them at home.

Establish a file that will help you if you are the victim of a crime, including:

  • Credit card numbers and email/phone numbers to report lost or stolen cards.
  • telephone number/email of your insurance agent
  • Your license plate and vehicle identification numbers
  • Your driver's license number
  • An extra set of keys
  • Your bank account numbers and the customer service phone number for your bank

For more information regarding Health, Safety, & Emergency Response, please view the Student Handbook, "The HOOT" or download a PDF  here.

Earthquake Preparedness

Earthquakes are a fact of life in Southern California. The following basic behaviors should become a routine part of a student's life:

  • Maintain a three-day supply of non-perishable food, such as peanut butter, canned tuna, granola bars, and dried fruit.
  • Keep three gallons of bottled water per person in your home.
  • Make arrangements with your family or significant others for an out-of-state contact person. It may be impossible to email/text/phone people in California, but possible to contact those in other states.
  • Have a flashlight and a pair of sturdy shoes under your bed.
  • Do not place your bed directly under a window, and do not hang heavy items such as pictures/bookshelf over your bed.

Emergency Contacts

Otis College Campus Safety Desk: (310) 665-6965
Police and Medical: 911
Counseling and Psychological Services: (310) 665-6968
Student Affairs: (310) 665-6960