Incident Reports

Keeping Otis Safe

Students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to report all alleged policy violations to Campus Safety and Security (310-665-6965) or an appropriate College Official at any time. Anyone from Otis College may also report directly using the online reporting forms listed below.

If you are reporting an incident using the forms below, please read the brief descriptions for each reporting form and click on the corresponding link to get started. If you have any questions about reporting incidents, please contact the Dean of Student Affairs (for students) at or the Vice President for Human Resources and Development (for staff/faculty), Karen Hill at

  • Academic Misconduct Incident Report – Students, staff, and/or faculty may report an incident where there is possible evidence of a student violating the Academic Misconduct Policy, which can include any form of plagiarism (written or visual), fabrication, collusion, or any form of cheating
  • Bias Incident Report – Students, staff, and/or faculty may report an incident where someone may have been a victim of bias/discrimination, as it pertains to a protected class/category
  • CARE Form –  To report any concerning incident/event involving a student, such as students who are in distress
  • Faculty & Staff Incident/Injury – To report an incident or injury involving a faculty or staff member
  • Injury Report (Students Only) – To report an injury involving a student
  • Student Complaint Form For students to report a general complaint or grievance to the College
  • Student Conduct Incident Report  Student Conduct (Behavioral) incidents that are suspicious or potential criminal act, and/or student conduct policy violation(s).
  • Title IX Reporting Form  Reporting Title IX incidents such as, sexual assault/sexual harassment/stalking/dating violence. You may also contact Jessica Johnson Mills, Title IX Coordinator at 310-846-2554 or at  
  • Workplace Violence Incident Report – Staff and Faculty: Please use this form to report any incidents of workplace violence. Workplace violence is any act of violence that occurs in a place of employment. These includes acts such as physical force against employees that can result in injury, psychological trauma, or stress, regardless of the outcome. It also covers incidents involving threats or the use of firearms, dangerous weapons, or ordinary objects as weapons, irrespective of the outcome.  

    Workplace violence does not include lawful acts of self-defense or defense of others.

    All information that you will provide in this incident report is confidential and will only be used for investigations, HR purposes, and to address potential hazards. Otis Staff and Faculty are encouraged to report workplace incidents as defined above without fear of retaliation.

Emergency Contacts

Safety Desk: 310-665-6965

Police and Medical: 911

Counseling and Psychological Services: 310-665-6968

Student Affairs: 310-665-6960

Email Campus Safety