Our Liberal Arts and Sciences curriculum supports and expands your art and design training at Otis College.
We build your experience around four themes: Connecting to creativity, arguing for humanity, math and science in action, and resourcing the future. Through courses that emphasize critical thinking in writing, visual literacy, the sciences, and art history, you’ll cultivate an understanding of context and culture.
Thinking critically, creatively, and expansively is at the heart of the Liberal Arts and Sciences departmental mission. Our goal is to create spaces where students can take a journey from their personal understanding of creativity, develop tools, and make connections to the ways of thinking, knowing, and understanding that are happening globally. As one of the most geographically, culturally, and socioeconomically diverse art and design colleges in the United States, we are well situated to take students on this journey. Although Liberal Arts and Sciences is not a degree-conferring department, our courses augment the skills-based education students receive in studio courses through an exploration of the ideas, theories, and worldviews that inform those practices.
We accomplish this through our disciplinary pillars: art history, English, social sciences, and math and natural sciences. These courses provide opportunities for discovery that are essential to the development of students’ creative sensibilities, professional vision, and intellectual aptitude. The combination of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Studio courses grounds students’ educational experiences from Foundation year through their senior capstones and final studio projects.
Addressing Local and Global Perspectives
The Liberal Arts and Sciences department continually works to expand our representation of diverse cultures. In addition to introducing the Western canon, the department’s courses will also encourage discussion about today’s pressing topics.
An important aspect of your educational development is the exploration of challenging societal issues such as structural racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, ableism, and transphobia. We believe that such engagement will not only be crucial to your career as an artist or designer; it will also give you an important conceptual framework for understanding the world you have inherited and how you might affect change.
The Liberal Arts and Sciences are the nexus of all education, providing us with the tools to understand the past, negotiate the present, and create the future. Without them we are lost; with them we can reimagine anything."
Essential Toolbox
See what our alumni and faculty have to say about the value of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and how we enhance students’ abilities to read, question, research, rethink, speculate, argue, connect, understand, write, create, and inspire.

Learn more about the first year curriculum, creative action courses, honors program, and more.

About Liberal Arts and Sciences
The curriculum addresses the themes of creativity, diversity, identity, sustainability, and social responsibility.
Liberal Arts and Sciences Faculty

Kerri Steinberg
Department Chair

JoAnn Staten
Acting Assistant Chair