Online Summer Courses

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a complete Online Learning course?

A course offering in which 100% of instruction is delivered online rather than via face-to-face contact between students and instructor(s).

Why take a complete online learning course?

Online courses are convenient, can work around your schedule, allow for time and geographic flexibility, are self-paced, and a different educational experience.

What type of student does well in an online course?

Students who do well in online courses are able and willing to communicate effectively through written texts, are self-motivated and disciplined, have good time management skills, are independent learners, and have access to technology and some literacy in using it.

How can I succeed in an online course?

Set aside certain times to work on the course every week.
Keep in mind that you are completing hours that normally would be spent in class and on homework.
Do not wait until the last minute to complete work.
Become comfortable with your computer and browser.
Ask your instructors questions if you are unsure or unclear.
Resist distractions—you will often be at home with phones, TVs, stereos, etc.
Read the assignments and instructions carefully.

What do I need to get started?

  • You will need your password and x-numbers before you leave Otis for the Summer. The Registration office will not give this to you over the phone. Only in person.
  • Check O-Space and Otis email weekly as this is the main form of contact.
  • Purchase your books online as soon as possible.

How do I register?

You will be notified when Registration begins. See the Academic Advisor, Marsha Hopkins, in the Liberal Arts and Sciences office (room 303) and she will fill out an advisement form. You will take that signed form to Registration.

What kind of programs will I need to use for an online course?

You will need to be able to use email (particularly attaching documents to your email), O-
Space, and Microsoft Office applications such as WORD or EXCEL or POWERPOINT (or MAC EQUIVALENT). Depending on your class, you may also need to use wikis and/or blogs and library databases. The Library website has a lot of helpful instructions on how to use this software and other technology.

How will I communicate with my instructor?

Initial communication will begin through O-Space and via Otis email. It will be required to use your Otis Student email

How will I know when things are due?

Your instructor will work with each class to determine how due dates and deadlines will be established through the course syllabus.

What if I don't check my Otis email?

Start to! Get in the practice of regularly checking your student email account. It will be required to use your Otis Student email. This will be the primary form of communication.

How do I turn in homework?

Your instructor will work with each class to determine the process, however, most faculty prefer students to attach word documents to an email. Your instructor will notify you of receipt of the course work in a reply email.

How much work will I have?

Each course will require 4 hours of work (equivalent to the time you would have otherwise spent in class) and 4-6 hours of homework each week.

How do I withdraw?

Contact Registration and Records for information on the process to withdraw from summer courses.

Who do I contact for help?

Your instructor should be your primary and first contact.
However, additional technology support can be found in the library by contact Heather Cleary, Digital DB Metadata Librarian, by email