
Ph.D. (Art History) UCLA.

Bio and Affiliation

Kerri Steinberg earned her Ph.D. in Art History from UCLA, with a minor in Jewish studies. From fashion to photography, and from design to the politics of identity, her interests focus on visual communication, centering the instrumentality of all things visual in the construction of identity markers. Her research has examined graphic design history, design citizenship, advertising, and American Jewish visual culture, and has been published in various edited volumes. She has been an invited speaker at numerous conferences, symposia, and museums on topics ranging from graphic design education to the branding and packaging of modern American Jewish identity. She has also been featured on NPR’s Weekend Edition and on Israeli television. Her book, Jewish Mad Men: Advertising and the Design of the American Jewish Experience was published by Rutgers University Press (2015). Kerri has been a University of California Humanities Research Institute fellow and was also selected as a participant in the Posen Seminar, “Varieties of Jewish Secularism and Secularization,” Graduate Theological Seminary, UC Berkeley.

Kerri has been teaching full-time at Otis since Fall 2006. 


Kerri Steinberg's Picture

Awards and Honors 

  • University of California Humanities Research Institute fellow
  • Selected as a participant in the Posen Seminar, “Varieties of Jewish Secularism and Secularization,” Graduate Theological Seminary, UC Berkeley
  • Otis Faculty Development Grants: Spring 2010, 2005-06
  • Otis TLC Technnology Grant: 2007


Steinberg, K. (2015) Jewish Mad Men: Advertising and the Design of the American Jewish Experience. Rutgers University Press.