We Are Design Lab. We Ideate, Experiment and Dream.

Design Lab is the only design studio in Los Angeles that functions as a collaboration between students, staff, faculty, and external clients. Student designers gain valuable career experience, and our clients connect with emerging talent to meet their creative needs.

Featured Works

Our student designers represent a diverse cross section of majors and design disciplines at Otis College. As a result, our portfolio showcases an expansive spectrum of creativity. This compilation includes illustration, motion design, branding, product design, UX/UI, and other interconnected design fields.

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Why Do Clients Choose Us?

Design Lab isn’t just any design studio. It’s an opportunity to support arts education and access innovative, emerging talent while meeting business goals. Contact us at designlab@otis.edu to learn more and set up a free consultation.

020International Design Award
International Design Award
270Satisfied Clients
Satisfied Clients
370Projects Completed
Projects Completed