Health Promotion @ Otis
![Julie Spencer working with a student patient](/life-otis/health-wellness/images/2021_09_22_SHWC_DrJulieSpencer_11.jpg)
Learn how you can engage with the SHWC, whether you are interested in health programs/workshops, mental health screenings, our Wellness Lounge, and/or student employment opportunities.
About Health Promotion
Health promotion provides outreach and education on a variety of health and wellness topics. We support students in learning skills to make informed decisions about their physical and mental health in order to help them succeed while at Otis and beyond. Health promotion collaborates with student groups and campus partners in providing programs and services that positively influence student health.
Programs and Workshops
- Alcohol & Other Drugs
- Safe Sex Awareness
- World Kindness Day
- World Aids Day: Free Rapid HIV Testing
- Flu Vaccine Outreaches
- Ergonomics and Movement for the Artist
- International Transgender Day of Visibility
- Bringing Voice to Hope: Suicide Prevention Awareness
- Mindfulness Drop-In Group
- Group Therapy:
- Mindfulness
- Anxiety
- Healthy Relationships
- Mental Health Movie Screenings
- Take Flight Health & Wellness Presentations
- Departmental Training & Presentations
- & more!
If you would like to submit a program request or idea or would like our professional staff to partner with your organization or group, please contact us by phone at 310-846-5738 or email at
OwlCheck: Mental Health Screenings
Getting help can start with a free and confidential assessment available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The brief screenings may assist students to determine if they or someone they care about should connect with a mental health professional. Screenings include, but are not limited to: Depression, Generalized Anxiety, Post-traumatic Stress, and more. These screenings, which can be completed here, are educational, not diagnostic.
Wellness Lounge
Located on the lower level of Ahmanson Hall, the Wellness Lounge can be accessed by students every day from 6am-10pm. This space can be utilized by students to meditate, pray or serve as a quiet space to relax and decompress in order to get through various life and daily stressors. In order to be mindful of other students who may wish to use the Wellness Lounge, sign up can be found on the door and we ask that students limit their use to 30 minutes. For after-hours use of the Wellness Lounge, students can contact Campus Safety and Security at 310-665-6965. Questions or concerns regarding the wellness lounge can be sent to
Student Employment Opportunities
The Student Health and Wellness Center offers students federal and non-federal work study opportunities in health promotion and working within the center. We believe in providing students an environment to develop professional skills outside of the classroom while working on current department projects. Work study positions assist in creating passive health promotion programming marketing campaigns, assisting in the planning and implementation of health promotion programs and working in conjunction with SHWC professional staff members on administrative projects within the center. Information regarding student employment with the SHWC is posted on the Otis College Student Job Board located on the Student Dashboard.
Please contact us by email at if you are interested or have additional questions regarding a work study position.
Keep the Stress in Check
As deadlines creep up, and preparation for mid-terms or finals begin, don't forget
to take care of yourself. Keeping healthy and stress-free leads to success. Some
tips to keep your stress at a manageable level:
Eat Right – I know French fries, pizza, and other convenient foods taste great, but they wreck
havoc on your body. Eating balanced meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables will
help keep you balanced.
Exercise – As deadlines approach, the last thing on most students' minds is exercise. However,
exercise is not only good for your health, it helps reduce anxiety. Exercise helps
release endorphins (those "feel-good" chemicals) in your body. Even just taking a
short walk in the neighborhood is good exercise.
Sleep – College students should get between 8-10 hours of sleep per night. It is well
known that students usually get much less than that due to studying or homework, hanging
out with friends, or just doing other things. When you sleep, it gives your body
a chance to rest and helps your brain process all the information you received for
the day. A well-rested brain helps students focus and concentrate well.
Relax – Most students do not allow enough time to relax and process what is going on at
school and in their personal lives. It can also help you avoid burn-out. Deep breathing,
muscle relaxation, and guided imagery are all techniques to help you learn to relax
and take time for yourself.
Laugh – Laughing is one of the "best medicines" to help you relax and feel good. Watch
your favorite situation comedy (sitcom), see a comedian, or just hang out with friends
and enjoy the good times.
Avoid Caffeine – Caffeine can make you feel agitated or keyed-up, and disrupt your sleep.
Manage your time - Time management is a pitfall for many students and is one of the main reasons students
feel stressed. Set priorities to manage school, family, work, personal time, and
other things in your life. You may choose to use some time of schedule or planner
to help you record everything you need to do.
Talk to someone – Keeping the things that stress you out bottled up inside increases stress. Talking
to someone you can trust (like a close friend or counselor) can be helpful. They
may even be able to offer some suggestions you have not thought of.
If you would like to talk to someone about the stress in your life or any other concerns,
please contact Counseling and Psychological Services at (310) 846-2639 or go directly
to the office in 104A to schedule an appointment. This is a free service to Otis
Fred L. Barnes, Ph.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Director of Counseling and Psychological Services
(310) 665-6968