Maria Hernandez

BFA Fashion Design
Maria Hernandez
Maria Hernandez 2024
BFA Fashion Design
Hello, my name is Maria Isabel. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA, growing up I’ve always been taught that in order to reach your goals you must put in the work. At an early age I decided to take a risk for my future career, I joined the military for the opportunity to support myself and it has helped me grow as a person and value a lot in my life, my favorite part was learning how it is to work with others. This experience is one that definitely has made me a strong individual in all my past job experiences. I’m grateful as well because I was able to fund my career in fashion, a career that I use to dream about since I could remember. Having had experiences now in the fashion industry, I have developed a strong understanding of garment construction, trend analysis, and the importance of storytelling through design. I have successfully designed and developed collections that have received recognition for their innovation and ability to connect with consumers. I believe that our shared passion for creating unique and inspiring designs could lead to collaborations that would captivate audiences and push the boundaries of fashion even further. As a designer, I have always been captivated by [ Company Name ] and their ability to push boundaries and create garments that truly resonate with the modern woman. Your attention to detail, impeccable craftsmanship, and commitment to quality over quantity are something I deeply admire and strive for as a designer. Throughout my experiences I’ve always valued creativity and appreciate all that goes into creating; seeing your garments in person brings a lot of admiration to the design details.

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