Assessment Committee


The Assessment Committee has the overall responsibility for developing the College assessment plan and is charged with planning, developing, and disseminating procedures for the assessment of institutional effectiveness, and assuring continuous improvement in educational programs and related services.

Working Structure and Responsibilities

The Assessment Committee works with programs to develop and maintain a framework for ongoing assessment and to promote a “culture of evidence.” The Assessment Committee supports the institution in the process of collecting, organizing, evaluating, and validating existing and new evidence-gathering and assessment methodologies in programs at Otis College. The Committee supports a flexible assessment framework that allows for a diversity of evidence across programs in support of the improvement of student learning. The Committee oversees the development of vehicles to archive student learning outcomes at both a program and college-wide level; coordinates and reviews the criteria for Program Review; reviews outcomes from College-wide annual assessment and Program Review; and supports the WASC Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) in the preparing and writing of accreditation assessments.


The membership of the Assessment Committee reflects the institution-wide scope of assessment at Otis College and consists of representatives from all programs.


The Provost’s Office provides the leadership for the Assessment Committee.

2021-22 Members

Joanne Mitchell, Assistant Provost of Academic Effectiveness and Accreditation

Laura Kiralla, Vice President of Campus Life

Tatyana Talavera Peters, Digital Media Student

Linda Pollari, Chair, Environmental Design

Tucker Neel, Associate Professor, Liberal Arts and Sciences

Kathleen Milnes, Assistant Chair, Digital Media

Mitra Rajabi, Assistant Chair, Fashion

Stan Kaplan, Assistant Professor, Fine Arts

TeaYoun Kim-Kassor, Chair, Foundation

Moira Connelly, Interim Assistant Chair, Foundation

Kathrin Burmester, Director, MFA Fine Arts

Patricia Kovic, Professor, Product Design

Markus Maciel, Adjunct Associate Professor, Toy Design

Michele Jaquis, Director, Interdisciplinary Studies

WSCUC Steering Committee

The Reaccreditation Steering Committee plays a central role in this process, providing area-related input in the writing of the Self-Study, reviewing the final document, acting as a liaison to participants’ respective constituencies, and meeting with the review team in spring, 2018. The Self-Study document is an opportunity to reflectively and critically review what we are doing well, how we can improve, and where we are going in a changing educational landscape.

2017-18 Members

President - Bruce Ferguson

Provost - Randy Lavender

APAA/Chair Liberal Arts - Debra Ballard

Trustee - Kirk Hyde

Associate Dean of Student Affairs - Nick Negrete

Controller - Christine Sanchez

Senior Director of the Library and Learning Centers - Sue Maberry

Dean of Continuing Education and Pre college Programs - Amy Gantman

eLearning and Technology - Jean-Marie Venturini and Felipe Gutierrez

Chair of Fine Arts - Meg Cranston

Chair of ALI - Linda Pollari

Chair of Grad Writing ­ - Peter Gadol

UG Design Faculty - TBD

UG Fine Arts Faculty – Patty Kovic

Foundation - Joanne Michell

Academic Assembly - Nancy Haselbacher

Creative Action Director - Rich Shelton

Director of ACT and Interdisciplinary Studies - Michele Jaquis

Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness - George Del Hierro

VP for Human Resources and Development - TBD

Academic Advising Coordinator - Carrie Malcom

Part-time/adjunct faculty - Elektra Grant, Joanne Staten

Institutional Advancement - Susan Pollack

Curriculum Committee

Assigned annually through Academic Assembly and reviews all curricular changes under the Curricular Review and Guideline which includes consistency with WSCUC and NASAD degree requirements. The Associate Provost for Assessment and Accreditation is a standing member of the committee.