Disability Services

Disability Services (DS) is committed to providing essential services and determining reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities, based on supporting documentation.

Our mission is to ensure that all students with disabilities have the best possible access to educational programs, activities, and facilities at Otis. We strive to enable full participation in all academic, cultural, and social aspects of the educational experience.

We hope to be a valuable resource for students, faculty, and the Otis community. Your suggestions for improving our services are always welcome.

First Time Registration with Disability Services

  1. Go to the Owl Care Portal located on your Dashboard or at the direct link here.
  2. Locate the Accommodations tab on top right side of the webpage and click on the tab to begin completing the form.
  3. Upload documentation you have to support your accomodation requests - this includes any documents from your medical provider or past documents used to access accomodations at other colleges/schools.
  4. Schedule a meeting with Disability Services (via Zoom, telephone, or in person) by emailing ds@otis.edu.
  5. Request accommodations online using Term Request
    • Requests are made numerically using the year and semester
      • 10 = Spring 
      • 20 = Summer
      • 30 = Fall
      • Example: Fall 2021 would be 202130
  6. Once accomodations have been reviewed and approved, you will be prompted to download Notification letters from the OwlCare portal - Save these in a folder on your desktop.
  7. Email your notification letters to each of your faculty you are approved to have accomodations for.
  8. Any follow up questions/concerns? Email Disability Services at ds@otis.edu

Extension School Accommodations Requests

Any students that wish to receive disability-related accommodations, that enrolled in the Summer of Art (SOA), Student Youth Camps (SYC), Access, or Adult courses programs through the Extension School, must complete this form. Please contact Disability Services by email (ds@otis.edu) if you have any questions.

Student Information and Policies


Contact Card

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact Disability Services at Otis College.

Phone: 310-846-2554

Send Email