Academic Advising

Advising at Otis College

Central Academic, Studio, and Minor Advising all fall within the Advising umbrella at Otis College of Art and Design and are available to students every year. Through core programs and centralized advising students have access to pointed advising around individual pathways such as minors, choice of CA/IL courses, LAS electives and course makeup opportunities throughout their undergraduate studies.

Central Academic Advising Office

The Central Academic Advising Office at Otis College of Art and Design offers a diverse range of services to meet the advising needs of students. They offer Liberal Arts and Sciences advising and serve as anchors in navigating your first course at Otis College to your senior thesis show and graduation.Together with your departmentadvisor theyensure you are on track to graduate and fulfilling your academic goals.

Mission Statement

The Office of Academic Advising is dedicated to cultivating an inclusive, nurturing, and accessible learning environment that empowers all students to evolve as leaders, visionaries, and innovators in the realm of art and design. Our team of advisors supports students on their academic journey, providing guidance as they navigate educational, professional, and personal pursuits. With an emphasis on holistic development, the advising team provides counsel for academic planning, degree fulfillment, and cultivating academic self-advocacy. We are persistent in our commitment to equipping students with the comprehensive support and resources essential for crafting their success during their time at Otis.

Diversity and Empowerment Statement

The Office of Academic Advising is committed to fostering an environment that acknowledges and embraces students from diverse backgrounds, ensuring that every student feels valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential. We strongly believe in the power of inclusivity and recognize diversity as a catalyst for creativity and collective achievement.

Academic Advising

Academic Advising is available for Drop-In Hours to assist you in planning your schedule and preparing for Registration each semester.

10:00 a.m.–noon PST
Zoom Meeting ID: 882 763 1873

When you join, please ask for your advisor:

  • Ricardo Estrada: Foundation

  • Zac Henderson: Sophomore

  • Briana Murrell: Junior

  • Michelle Andrade: Senior

Office locations on Campus in Fall 2024


Current students may also request one-on-one appointments with their advisor through Bookings.

Book an Appointment

Major Department Contacts

Department (or Major) chairs and faculty support your transition into the major and provide individual guidance in program of study-specific course selection, scheduling, and graduation checks as needed prior to registration each semester.

*Advising for A.C.T., Interdisciplinary Studies, and Creative Action: Integrated Learning is offered by those offices, in addition to major advising.

Contact Us

For questions related to the advising and registration process (using Degree Works or Plan Ahead), CAIL, LAS or minors, please contact us.

Monday through Friday
10:00 a.m.–noon

Join Us on Zoom

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