
Guidelines for Students on Field Trips

  1. Students participating in field trips are expected to adhere to the same standards of behavior as published in the Code of Student Conduct and in the Travel Study Behavior Code of Conduct. Any violation of the regulations or local, state, or federal laws may result in disciplinary action or sanctions by the College. 
  2. Students, who choose to travel to the site of a field trip early or remain at the site after the planned activity is completed, or who willfully separate from the group, do so at their own risk. 
  3. Students are responsible for carrying their own personal medication while on a field trip.

Guidelines for Students on a Field Study

  1. Students participating in field study are expected to adhere to the same standards of behavior as published in The Hoot and in the Travel Study Behavior Code of Conduct. Any violation of the regulations or local, state, or federal laws may result in disciplinary action or sanctions by the College.
  2. Students, who choose to travel to the site of a field study early or remain at the site after the planned activity is completed, or who willfully separate from the group, do so at their own risk.
  3. Students are responsible for carrying their own personal medication while on a field study.

Travel Study Activity Guidelines

  • Students are required to comply with foreign laws which often require detailed advanced planning.
  • Students are expected to respect local customs during the entirety of every aspect of related travel, foreign and domestic.
  • Students are not permitted to be involved in political demonstrations, protests, riots, rallies, or other political gatherings.
  • Hitch-hiking of any kind is highly discouraged.
  • Solo water (i.e., swimming or boating alone) activities are discouraged.
  • Students are expected to manage their health and be aware of safety risks (e.g., contaminated food and water, malaria, automobile traffic, pedestrian risks, rocky or slippery trail, dehydration, etc.).
  • Adequate water should be carried on all outings.
  • Students should not depart from the established itinerary or explore unfamiliar terrain outside of established geographic parameters while on course.
  • Students should always carry with them the name and location of where they are staying, with directions and in the local language, if possible. Contact number of Leader, and/or Program Provider should also appear on the contact card.

Small Group/ Solo Travel Guidelines

“Small Group” or “Solo Travel” refers to time when students may be given time off, or specific assignments where a Faculty Leader or Program Provider may not be present.

  • Any unsupervised small group or solo travel that exceeds 8 hours (and may not exceed 24 hours) or anytime students are further than 3 hours from a Leader or Program Provider (while on a faculty-led course), an Intent to Divert from Course form must be completed by the student. The form can be obtained from the trip leader and is at the discretion of the Faculty Leader in agreeing to allow/approve unsupervised travel of this nature.
  • No international borders will be crossed without prior approval from the Travel and External Study representative and Otis College of Art and Design.

Time Off Guidelines

If students are going out after dark, it is required that they be in groups of at least two or more and agree to adhere to a clearly set curfew. If there is any confusion about what curfew is or where approved permitted travel may be, students should consult their Travel Study leader prior to any time off. 

Community-Based Instruction Guidelines

  • Students should make themselves aware of physical demands and hazards involved with the community project.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to be knowledgeable of the area, appropriate behavior, hazards and expectations.

Motorized Travel Guidelines

  • Students should familiarize themselves of hazards involved with different modes of motorized travel.
  • Students are discouraged to drive or ride on motorcycles, scooters, or mopeds.
  • If the group is to be divided amongst different vehicles, a clear plan and place to reunite should be established.
  • When available, seatbelts are required.
  • Students are not permitted to rent any vehicle or drive a car while on a faculty-led travel study course.

Cycling Guidelines

  • When available, helmets should be worn for any activity involving bicycling.
  • When traveling in traffic, room should be made available in the group’s spacing to allow cars to pass safely.

Swimming Guidelines

  • Flat-water (ocean, bay, lake, and calm eddies) swimming, the following should be considered:
  • Bottom conditions: where are deep-water drop offs etc.;
  • Current directions and dynamics;
  • Flora and fauna hazards: sting rays, jellyfish, urchins, leeches, etc.;
  • Water temperature considerations.
  • Diving is discouraged.

Snorkeling Guidelines

  • Snorkeling should take place in flat-water conditions only.
  • Guidelines for “Swimming” should apply to snorkeling.
  • Students should be instructed on proper use of equipment before snorkeling.

Boating Guidelines

  • Students should be aware of proper equipment use and related safety considerations prior to launch.
  • Solo water activities are discouraged.
  • With the exception of sea-kayaking, students should not operate a boat without one qualified boat operator per boat to pilot.

Sea Kayaking Guidelines

The following policies and guidelines revolve around varying conditions. Sound judgment needs to be used when considering currents, tides, wind, weather, local and environmental hazards, as well as the morale, fitness and skill level of the group.

The following should be considered before kayaking:

  • Emergency and evacuation access and communication points.
  • Potential hazards.
  • Environmental hazards.
  • Swimming and snorkeling guidelines.
  • Basic life saving techniques.

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The Division of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity & Inclusion supports holistic student development, student engagement, and co-curricular learning. Contact our team with questions. We’re here to help!

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