
Local and Regional Field Trip Policy

The Local and Regional Field Trip Policy covers local field trips, local overnight field trips, and short regional overnight field trips in the U.S. This policy also applies to courses with regular off-campus meetings at museums, field sites, or other destinations. Student Affairs outings are exempt from this policy. Travel Study and External Study courses, which involve international travel or domestic travel beyond the parameters of a field trip as described below, are covered under other policies. Please contact travelstudy@otis.edu for more information about Travel Study courses.


In order to ensure that field trips fall within the scope of a course’s and the College’s mission and that student safety issues are fully addressed, field trips must be authorized in advance and be fully documented through the on-time submission of the forms listed on our website. All field trips must be led by a faculty or staff member, and student participants must adhere to field trip guidelines. Leader responsibilities and guidelines for students are described below.

Field Study Policy

The Domestic and International Field Study Policy covers domestic travel beyond 1,400 miles of campus and international travel outside the continental U.S. This policy also applies to college enacted initiatives with domestic field sites, or other international destinations. Student Affairs outings are exempt from this policy. Students are responsible for all of the courses in which they are enrolled, including attendance requirements and course work, while participating in any type of field study initiative. 


In order to ensure that field study falls within the scope of the College’s mission and that student safety issues are fully addressed, field study must be requested a month in advance and be fully documented through the on-time submission of forms and required steps listed below. All field study must be initiated and coordinated by the responsible Otis College instructor, Director, or Department Chair initiating the Field Study. Student or alumni participants must adhere to field study guidelines. Leader responsibilities and guidelines for students are described below.

Travel Study Policy

Travel Study Operational Policies & Standards of Behavior

  • All Otis College of Art and Design Faculty-led Travel Study participants are representatives of the College community. It is expected that they will behave at all times in a manner befitting that responsibility. Course participants also are expected to remember that behaviors that are acceptable in the United States may not be acceptable in the destination visited. Participants are expected to act accordingly, as instructed by course personnel.
  • All Faculty-led Travel Study participants are required to be cleared for travel by the Student Health and Wellness Center.
  • Course participants are expected to comply with all policies and rules of the Travel Study course and Code of Student Conduct as they currently stand, or as they may change from time to time. This includes, but is not limited to, policies that are written in travel study contracts or other documents, as well as policies that are described orally at the orientation meetings or by the staff.
  • Travel Study course participants are expected to attend all course meetings (prior to departure and while at destination) and to participate fully in all aspects of the course. The Travel Study experience is based upon a sense of shared identity, respect, and community. This requires everyone to be participants in all aspects of the course.
  • Course participants are not permitted to go to designated areas placed off-limits without the expressed, specific permission of the attending course leader, as well as completing an Intent to Divert form in its entirety and obtaining approval.
  • Course participants of faculty-led travel study courses and exchange programs will be required to attend the mandatory Pre-Departure Seminar/Orientation, as outlined in provided Travel and External Study information and websites. Failure to attend the Pre-Departure Seminar/Orientation will result in a hold placed on the student account and could result in the student’s dismissal from the course without refund.

Student Behavior Expectations

  • Full participation in all activities and developing cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity.
  • Engaging with the Course Curriculum.
  • Considering the effect of their actions on the entire group and local context/geography.
  • Complying to Otis College of Art and Design Policies

Managing Behavioral Issues While Abroad

Step One: Informal Verbal Intervention

  • The student will receive open and clear feedback regarding expectations for participation.

Step Two: Formal Verbal Intervention

  • The student will be informed that if their behavior continues to not meet expectations, the next step is a Written Intervention and Otis College will be contacted.
  • The Travel and External Study Office is informed of the problematic behavior at this stage (Step Two).

Step Three: Written Intervention: Commitment to Improve

  • Return the agreed contract to the Otis College Travel and External Study representative.
  • The student is informed that if the behavioral expectations are unmet, the next step is a Final Intervention, which becomes grounds for trip departure. Leaders will work with the student to ensure that all expectations are clear. 
  • Return the agreed contract to the Travel and External Study representative.
  • The Travel Study representative will notify the Dean of Student Affairs and share with them the written commitment. An opportunity to talk to the Dean of Student Affairs is available to the student as they move to the next stage of consequence.

Step Four: Written Intervention: Final

  • The final Intervention will outline to the student EXACTLY what behavior is expected, and that noncompliance will lead to trip departure at the student’s expense. If a student breaks their Final Intervention contract, the Travel and External Study representative will be contacted. If approved, Otis College will work with the Travel Agency/Program Provider, and emergency contact to change flights and arrange transport home. All related costs incurred from this change in travel plans and arrangements will be added to the student account for reimbursement to the college.

Medical Payment Information Abroad

  • Students are obligated to cover their own medical expenses while on an Otis College Travel Study course. Oftentimes, this will mean that students who are in need of purchasing over the counter medications, at the request of a GeoBlue doctor, will need to fill out a “Claim Form” This form is located on the GeoBlue website.
  • It is not Otis College’s responsibility to provide upfront money for medical care or attention, but faculty or the college will do so to ensure proper and timely care and then follow up for reimbursement. Students are encouraged and instructed to bring at least $100 to cover any initial or potential medical care. If Otis College pays for medical care, it is the responsibility of the student to reimburse Otis College first and process their bills or claims with their insurance afterwards.

Program Provider Policy

In addition to following the policy and procedures set forth by Otis College of Art and Design, participants must also adhere to the policies and procedures set forth by Program Provider(s).

General Behavior

As members of the Otis College community, students are expected to behave responsibly at all times. The College expects and trusts its students to be honest in their studio, classroom, and community endeavors. Students are expected to assist in maintaining an environment that supports effective teaching and learning, and a culture of civility and respect for others. Therefore, any behavior that disrupts or interferes with the functioning of a classroom, studio, or College-sponsored off-campus venue may result in students being asked to leave the class. In addition, students may be subject to disciplinary action as per the Code of Student Conduct and/or have their grade lowered in the course.

Travel Study Alcohol Policy

All travel study courses and experiences are considered “dry” and must comply with the Otis College alcohol policy. Alcohol consumption or possession is not permitted during any program-related travel, program-related activities, group meals, or in any form of accommodation (hotel, hostel, apartment housing, etc.), during the entirety of the travel period.

Travel Study Drug Policy

Otis College is a drug-free environment and the College will not tolerate the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, sale, purchase, possession, offer to sell, and/or use of any illegal drugs (as defined by the statutes of the state of California) in any Otis College facility or at any Otis College function. Any student found to have violated this policy will be subject to arrest and disciplinary action in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct.

Body Piercing and Tattoos While Abroad

Due to varying health and sanitation standards in international locales, getting a body piercing (navel, nose, lip, tongue, ear, etc.) and tattoos while on a Travel Study course is not permitted.

Travel Study Companion Policy

Otis College has adopted the following guidelines regarding prospective companions on Otis College Travel Study courses:

  • Minors (under the age of 18) are not permitted on Otis College Travel Study courses, either as participants or as companions.
  • In general, student participants may not bring companions on Otis College Travel Study courses.
  • With the prior approval of the International Education Steering Committee, faculty/staff participants may bring adult companions on the course. If approved, additional companions are responsible for all related costs. 
  • Individuals not directly connected with or registered in an Otis College Travel Study course may not accompany the course or take part in any of the academic experiences or content (e.g., an Otis College employee who has no role in the course may not travel with it during any part of the course).

Travel Study Removal Policy

Disregard of or noncompliance with Travel and External Study policies or the Code of Student Conduct will result in the trip departure of students or faculty from Otis College travel study courses. Any course participant who appears to disregard or be in noncompliance with Otis College Travel and External Study policies or the Code of Student Conduct will be subject to immediate removal from the Travel Study course and must return to Los Angeles at the expense of the dismissed person, which includes the travel expense of an accompanying Leader and/or Program Provider to the point of departure. Upon returning to Otis College, the Dean of Student Affairs will investigate all incidents and allegations and, with the Conduct Committee, determine appropriate sanctions.

Travel Study Tuition Waiver Policy

Otis College students at JUNIOR, SENIOR, and GRADUATE level with 19 or more course credits based on enrollment into a travel study course will be given a Travel Study Tuition Waiver that will allow them to exceed 18 credits but no more than 21 credits without being assessed an additional per credit cost of $2,200 for BFA and $2,930 for Graduate. This waiver does not apply to program costs – only tuition.

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