Summer Housing

Summer Options

Housing at Park West

Students have the ability to stay at Park West over the summer.  

The summer term is from Friday, May 16 through Saturday, August 2 at 5:00 p.m. We will work with students currently living with us for housing between the end of the spring semester and start of the summer term. We will also make arrangements with students living with us over the summer who plan to continue living with us for the Academic Year.

Important Note: Students who are provided free Housing between terms will be required to move to accommodate for our turnover process and room preparations.   

There is no meal plan provided over the summer and Bon Appetit will have closures and limited hours. Students will be responsible for their own food during the summer.


Summer 2025 Housing Rates

  • Park West Shared Apartment: $4,618
  • Park West Private Apartment: $9,235 (limited availability)
  • This rate covers the summer term of May 16 - August 2. 

If you are interested in staying for part of the summer, Housing offers a weekly rate at Park West:

  • Weekly Rate: Shared $658
  • Weekly Rate: Private $1,317

If you are interested in a weekly rate, please email

How to Apply

The summer housing application will be available on ResCenter starting March 1. There is no application fee for summer housing. Students can request their roommate for their summer housing assignment. 

Summer Storage

Unfortunately, we are not able to store belongings for students over the summer.

Campus Storage 

We do work with Campus Storage to assist students with their storage needs. Campus Storage is a company that comes and picks up your items, stores them over the summer, and drops them back off in your housing assignment for the Fall. More information about Campus Storage can be found here.

Contact Us

For any questions or assistance, we encourage students and prospective students to contact the Office of Residence Life and Housing at Otis College.

Monday- Friday
8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Phone: 310-846-2647

Send Email

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