Housing FAQs

The scheduled move out date for Spring 2025 is Wednesday, May 7 by 5:00 p.m. Seniors are permitted to stay until Monday, May 12 at 5:00 p.m., as Commencement takes place on Sunday, May 11. 

To assist students with what we provide, what to bring, and what to leave at home, please view our packing lists:

Residence Hall Packing List

Park West Packing List 

Having a car makes transportation easier; however, you can get by without a car. Students living in the Residence Hall and at Park West are within walking distance of grocery stores, restuarants, banks, and more! For students planning on bringing a car, a parking permit can be obtained by filling out the Parking Registration Form on the Live Safe App. There are also ZipCars available on campus. Students can learn more about ZipCar here.  Otis College is accessible via the Santa Monica (Big Blue Bus) #3 bus line. You can find more information about the Big Blue Bus here.
Westchester is a fairly safe area in Los Angeles. Otis College of Art and Design will have secruity guards present 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure campus safety. Students can learn more about the Otis College Campus Safety and Security here.
The local grocery stores are:
Roommates are paired by similarities on the Roommate Questionnaire within the housing application.  If roommate conflicts arise, there is staff on site (Resident Assistants) to provide assistance with resolving the issues.  If differences can not be accepted and/or countered after a group conversation, the staff is trained to provide a room switch, depending on space availability.
Yes. If you have a specific person or group of people you would like to live with, you can request roommates after your application is approved. These matches will be honored as long as request is mutual. 
Resident Assistants are hired as part of the Student Leadership Application process each Spring. Students interested are required to complete an application and attend a group process event. Selected students will then be invited for an individual interview with the Residence Life and Housing staff.
New and Continuing Otis students can complete the application beginning March 1.

Residence Life and Housing asks students to register a Confidential Contact as part of the Housing Application. The confidential contact on file will be notified within 24 hours if a resident is determined to be missing by Otis College or a local law enforcement agency. A confidential contact can be a friend, relative, parent, etc.

A confidential contact is separate from an emergency contact. The confidential contact is to be used only for investigation of a missing person. Emergency contact information is used for situations deemed as emergencies, such as: medical emergencies, physical injury, and if the reported missing person is less than 18 years old and not legally emancipated. This person can be the same person as your emergency contact; however they do need to be listed twice: once as your emergency contact and once as your confidential contact.

An administrator for Residence Life and Housing is authorized to confirm any law enforcement agency request for confidential contact information and can access and release the information for investigation of a missing person report. By registering a confidential contact, a student is giving express permission to law enforcement to contact the identified person or persons for the purpose of a missing person investigation.

Students do not have to live on campus while attending Otis College. While there are many benefits to living on campus, we do not have a housing requirement.

Residence Life and Housing is only able to accommodate Otis College students in both housing locations. Students seeking to live with partners or dependents are encouraged to visit our Off Campus Housing site for housing options and resources.

Contact Us

For any questions or assistance, we encourage students and prospective students to contact the Office of Residence Life and Housing at Otis College.

Monday- Friday
8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Phone: 310-846-2647

Send Email

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