Support Scholarships

At Otis College, we value and support a highly diverse student body and provide opportunities for talented and motivated students to get a quality art and design college education.

92% of our students require financial assistance. Scholarships provide the critical funds needed to support the success and well being of our students through graduation preparing them for successful careers that will shape our future.

Scholarships have a profound impact on the lives of our students.  By supporting scholarships, you are an essential partner in providing access for aspiring artists and designers to a quality art and design education at Otis College regardless of their economic background. For more information about providing scholarship support, please contact Carrie Banasky, Director of Advancement Operations, at

Annual Named Scholarships

Annual scholarship donors to Otis College demonstrate a profound commitment to empowering students by providing essential financial support on an annual basis. Through their generosity, these donors cultivate a legacy of opportunity, enabling talented individuals to pursue their passions in art and design without financial barriers. By investing in the potential of each student, annual scholarship donors play a pivotal role in shaping futures and nurturing the next generation of artistic voices and visionaries.

Endowed Scholarships

Endowed scholarships at Otis College represent an enduring legacy of generosity, as donors make a lasting commitment to providing scholarship support in perpetuity.  These scholarships ensure that future generations of students have access to transformative education in art and design, regardless of financial constraints.  By establishing an endowed scholarship, donors create a legacy that transcends time, empowering countless individuals to pursue their creative passions and make meaningful contributions to society. Through their visionary philanthropy, endowed scholarship donors embody the spirit of giving and leave an indelible mark on Otis for generations to come.


As a first-generation college student from a low-income background, receiving scholarships meant more to me than just financial support – it meant that someone believed in me and my potential.  Thank you to the donors who made my journey possible, their support changed my life.
– Antonio Finamore, BFA Fashion Design '23
Scholarship support has given me the encouragement to continue to do my best through my work.  I have been able to purchase and utilize materials and digital programs to enhance my creativity and the quality of my work.  I am beyond grateful to have received this support.  I hope that in the future there will be a way for me to give back or pay forward the kindness.
– Megan Schroeder BFA Toy Design '23

Contact Us

For help with making a donation, planned giving, or general questions about supporting Otis College, please contact us.

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