Job Search Resources

Career Planning Checklist

The purpose of this checklist is to provide a foundation for career preparation throughout your time at Otis, and even after graduation, with each semester building on the previous semester. Print this out or make a copy in your Google Drive, refer to it and complete a task or two each week, and check items off the list as you complete them. It can be completed at your own pace and provides a framework for career counseling discussions.

Career planning, preparation, and professional development involve ongoing practice and are always a work in progress. Don’t wait – the most successful students engage in their career planning early and often! Bring this list with you to career counseling appointments to discuss your progress and next steps.

Resume & Cover Letter Guides

A resume and cover letter are necessary to create a complete job application to ensure employers understand why you’re the best fit for a job. A resume highlights bullet points of your current and past work experience, while a cover letter explains in paragraph form some of the most relevant experiences as they relate to the job. The more you use language from the job description, the better chances that your application will be considered. If your application is not getting you interviews, revisit your approach and make an appointment for career counseling.

Artists' Resume Guide

(for exhibitions, residencies, grants and other studio art opportunities)

Interviewing & Job Offer Negotiation Guides

If your job applications showcase you as a good match for the job, you’ll get asked to interview for a company as the next step in the hiring process so they can hear about your skills and experience first-hand. An interview is a conversation with the employer where they’ll ask questions to get to know you better, and you’ll ask them questions to determine if the job and company is the right fit for you.

If you get a job offer, this is your best opportunity to negotiate when you know they want to work with you more than any of the other applicants. Most employers expect to negotiate and have factored in a little wiggle room with salary. Not negotiating will cost you lost earnings over time, so identify your value and practice your ask!

Click the links below for our Interview Guide and Job Offer & Negotiation Workshop to learn more.

Throughout the job search process: stay vigilant to identify and avoid job scams by becoming familiar with a typical employment process and red flags that could lead to fraud. It is also a best practice to get any job offers in writing as it relates to pay rates and schedules to avoid the unfortunate event of not getting paid from a verbal-only agreement. Become familiar with CA pay laws and stop working if you don't get paid in a timely manner. If you haven't been paid wages or benefits owed, and you have documentation of your attempt to recover them from the employer, you may file a wage complaint in the location where the work took place, such as LA County, State of CA, or sue in small claims court.

Resources by Major, Minor and Topic

Career Counseling & Workshops

Career Counselors are available to assist students and alumni through the stages of career exploration, personal and professional growth, and employment to discuss anything career-related.

Career Services hosts workshops throughout the academic year open to students and alumni of all levels. You will also find recorded presentations on a variety of our topics.

Career Counseling

Contact Us

Wherever you are in your creative journey, we want to meet you! Our counselors are here to answer your questions about Otis College and help you with your career goals.

Phone: 424-207-2490
Instagram: @otiscareerservices

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