Annual Security Report

Crime Statistics

United States federal government, through the Clery Act, mandates the disclosure of certain crime statistics so that Otis College of Art and Design students, employees, and families can be educated about implemented safety and security measures and relevant crime statistics from January to December.

Please be aware that these are statistics for the most severe forms of crime. Students, faculty, and staff should always be vigilant about their personal safety and take care of their personal possessions. All reported campus crime statistics received through the “OTIS Incident/Injury Report System” (crime figures) can be accessed by contacting

A Campus Safety Officer or Security Officer is available 24 hours a day and is stationed in the front lobby of the main campus safety office located on the first floor of the Academic Wing. An additional Campus Safety Officer or Security Officer is stationed, after hours, in the Ahmanson building lobby on the Goldsmith campus. The officers make regularly scheduled rounds of the building(s) and its perimeter. Please contact the Campus Safety Officers immediately at x6965 if you need assistance. If you need the Los Angeles Police Department or paramedic assistance, dial 911.

Online Incident Report forms is available to report injury/incident are available from available our Incident Report page. Otis College of Art and Design has implemented an Otis Alert System which will call and/or text message students, staff, and faculty in the event of an emergency on campus or in the surrounding area.

  • Students: During registration each semester, students have the opportunity to input contact information for the Otis Alert System.
  • Staff and Faculty: All faculty and staff are asked to provide their emergency notification and emergency contact information when first hired. They are also asked to update their information at any time during the year as information changes and during the annual Open Enrollment period held each Fall.

The links below detail the crime statistics, as reported to the Dean of Student Affairs for the Goldsmith Campus, Fashion Department, Public Practice Studios, and the MFA Studios locations, and are provided in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act. The Crime Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reportable crimes that occurred on-campus, in certain off-campus buildings, and on public property.

The Crime Report is prepared in cooperation with the local law enforcement agencies surrounding our locations, the Associate Dean of Student Affairs who oversees Housing and Student Conduct, the Dean of Student Affairs, the Vice President of Human Resources and Development who oversees employee engagement and employment policies and the Chief Safety & Security Officer who oversees Campus Safety & Security. To request an individual hard copy of the campus crime statistics, please email us at


In the event that a situation arises, either on or off campus, that in the judgment of the Chief Safety & Security Officer or Vice President of IT & Operations, constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat, a campus wide "timely warning" will be issued. The warning will be issued through the college e-mail system to students, faculty, and staff. Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstance to the Otis College Campus Safety Officer by phone at (310) 665-6965 or in person in the Campus Safety office lobby of the new Academic Wing, Goldsmith Campus.

Otis College Campus Safety Officers and Security Officers patrol the campus 24 hours a day and are stationed in the main Campus Safety office located on the 1st floor Academic Wing of the Goldsmith Campus. Additional security officers are stationed, after hours, in the Ahmanson and Galef building on the Goldsmith campus. The Campus Safety Officers and Security Officers make regularly scheduled rounds of the building(s) and campus perimeter. Please contact the main Campus Safety office immediately at extension 6965 from any campus phone if you need assistance. If you need the Los Angeles Police Department or paramedic assistance, dial 911.

In an effort to support the campus community and the students within the community, the College has adopted a 24-hour missing person's policy for residential students who reside in the Otis Student Housing Program. In accordance with the Higher Education Act, the following should be noted:

Emergency Contact Information

During each open registration period all students intending to register for classes, for any subsequent term, will be given the opportunity to elect an emergency contact. Residential students will also, on an annual basis, file an emergency contact form with the Residence Life and Housing Office. Within 24 hours of the College being notified of a student missing, the student's designated contact, based on either of the aforementioned methods, will be contacted and notified.

Official Notification Procedure

  • Any member within or outside the Otis community must notify the Office of Residence Life and Housing by calling (310) 846-2648 or (310) 665-6967 of a missing person (residential student).
  • The Office of Residence Life and Housing, when notified, will research and investigate the information. The Office will also request and/or gather any additional information needed from the reporting party.
  • The Office of Residence Life and Housing will make attempts to contact the reported missing person by phone, from class, and/or from visiting the student's apartment unit at the Otis Student Housing Program.
  • In the event that the reported missing student is not located or contacted (and it has been at least 24 hours or appears to be an apparent abduction) the Office of Residence Life and Housing will contact the Los Angeles Police Department, Pacific Division, at (310)482-6334 to report the student as missing.
  • The Assistant Dean of Student Affairs (or his or her designee), after police notification and no later than 24 hours after determining the residential student is missing, will notify the missing student's emergency contact (notification may be made to more than one person depending on individual(s) student has listed).
  • After the Los Angeles Police Department is notified, they will lead the search in finding the student, and the missing student's emergency contact information will be forwarded to them. The Assistant Dean of Student Affairs (or his or her designee) will stay in communication with the missing person's emergency contact, as a support

Drug Free Schools Act

Otis is a drug-free environment and the College will not tolerate the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, sale, purchase, possession, offer to sell, and/or use of any illegal drugs (as defined by the statutes of the state of California) in any Otis facility or at any Otis function. Any student found to have violated this policy will be subject to arrest and disciplinary action in accordance with the Code of Conduct Policy.

Except as otherwise provided in this policy, students are not allowed to possess or consume alcohol while in any Otis facility or on the College grounds, including the off-site student housing program, nor are students allowed to possess or consume alcohol at official Otis sponsored events off campus. Violators are subject to the provisions set forth in the Code of Conduct. Alcohol is permitted on campus and at Otis-sponsored events off campus only in connection with special events sponsored by the Ben Maltz Gallery, Institutional Advancement, the Provost’s Office, and the Graduate Programs. At these special events, alcohol may be served only by a bonded bartender. All students in attendance must abide by local, state, and federal regulations related to the possession and consumption of alcohol. California law prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of 21. Underage drinking and public intoxication are unacceptable, and those who violate these standards will be subject to disciplinary action.

The college has a variety of programs to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students, faculty and employees. Our programs related to drug use and abuse including dissemination of informal materials, educational programs, counseling services, referrals and college disciplinary actions.

Employee Assistance program, Counseling and Psychological Services, Student Housing Program, National Alcohol Screening Awareness Day, Student Health and Wellness Day, HR Wellness Programming, Campus Activities Board events and programs, and AlcoholEdu. (AlcoholEdu is a sanction used within the housing program and within the Student Code of Conduct).

Student Conduct Review (students), Human Resources employee review (employees).

A violation of any law regarding alcohol and other drug use or possession is a violation of the college’s Student Code of Conduct and a violation of state and federal law.

Additional Links

Emergency Contacts

Safety Desk: 310-665-6965

Police and Medical: 911

Counseling and Psychological Services: 310-665-6968

Student Affairs: 310-665-6960

Email Campus Safety