Student illustration of Otis College

Student Work

Discover the incredible talent of our students at Otis College of Art and Design by exploring their remarkable work.

Our students produce a wide array of stunning designs that span various disciplines and specializations, showcasing their creativity, innovation, and technical skills. From fine arts and illustration to fashion design and game design, the breadth and depth of their work reflect the diverse and dynamic environment at Otis College.

By delving into the student gallery, you'll witness firsthand the exceptional quality and originality that our students bring to their projects. Each piece of artwork is a testament to the rigorous education and hands-on experience provided by our programs. Whether it's intricate illustrations, thought-provoking installations, or cutting-edge digital animations, the work of our students not only demonstrates their individual talents but also highlights the collaborative and interdisciplinary nature of our creative community. Don't miss the opportunity to be inspired by the next generation of artists and designers.

MFA Thesis Exhibitions

Student Work by Degree Program