Jacqulin Maj

Digital Media
Jacqulin Maj
Jacqulin Maj 2023
Digital Media

Hi, my name is Jaki Maj, and I am a 3D environment artist with a passion for creating immersive game worlds. With experience in modeling, texturing, and lighting 3D art, I am excited to bring my skills to the industry.

My software experience includes proficiency in Maya, Substance Painter, ZBrush, and Unreal Engine. I have also developed a strong understanding of real-time game development needs and have experience creating assets in stylized material pipelines. My understanding of traditional art principles, including composition, design, shape language, and color theory, enables me to create visually stunning environments.

As an artist, I am always eager to learn new techniques and stay up-to-date with the latest technology. I am reliable and can quickly learn new processes and software as needed. I have experience working in a collaborative, iterative, agile environment and enjoy working with other artists to improve my visual skills.

My communication skills are strong, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge and information with others. I am self-directed, enthusiastic, positive, and embrace critiques to improve my work. Understanding the audience and appreciating games is essential to me, and I strive to create environments that will captivate and engage players. I want to inspire people to see the beauty in the world and the environments around them.

I am excited to bring my skills, experience, and passion to a team and create memorable game worlds. Let's work together to create amazing environments!

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