Student Withdrawals


Students withdrawing from an Otis Travel Study Course or Program will be subject to the withdrawal policy outlined in their payment contract. Students are charged a percentage of the total course or program fee based on the date of the student's withdrawal.

If a student cannot participate in a travel study course or program due to physical and/or mental debilitation, death or serious illness of an immediate family member, or other extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control, before or while participating in an Otis Travel Study course or program, the student can submit a Petition for Emergency Withdrawal. If granted, the Emergency Withdrawal may allow for full or partial relief from financial obligations to the course or program.

If a student withdraws from your course or program, the Travel and External Study Office will copy you on the official withdrawal email sent to the student outlining what fees are owed to the program.

Please reference the Student Withdrawal page in the student section of the website for withdrawal forms and additional information. If a student contacts you about withdrawing from your course or program, please direct them to this website and have them contact the Travel and External Study Office as soon as possible.