Frequently Asked Questions

The following are some of the most commonly asked questions regarding the College’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and procedures.

Reports made to on-campus counselors, off-campus health service providers, and off-campus clergy will be kept confidential. All other reports are considered private. The privacy of all parties to a complaint of sexual misconduct will be maintained, except insofar as it interferes with the College’s obligation to fully investigate allegations of sexual misconduct. Where information is shared, it will still be tightly controlled on a need-to-know basis.

In all complaints of sexual misconduct, the Complainant will be informed of the outcome. In some instances, the administration also may choose to make a brief announcement of the nature of the violation and the action taken, to the community, though personally identifying information about the Complainant will not be shared. Certain College administrators are informed privately (e.g., the President of the College, Chief Conduct Officer, Title IX Coordinator, Chief of Safety and Security, etc.). The College must statistically report the occurrence on campus of any of six major violent crimes, including certain sex offenses, and hate crimes in an annual report of campus crime statistics. This statistical report does not include personally identifiable information. 

Yes, if you file a formal complaint, but not directly. Sexual misconduct is a serious offense and the Respondent has the right to question the Complainant; however, the College does provide options for allowing questioning without direct contact, including Zoom, using a room divider, or using separate hearing rooms.

Yes, if you want formal conduct action to be taken against the alleged perpetrator. No, if you choose to respond informally and do not file a formal complaint. One should consult the complete privacy policy described above to better understand the College’s legal obligations regarding information that is shared with various College officials.

First, do not contact the alleged impacted individual. You may immediately want to contact someone in the campus community who can act as your advisor. You may also contact the Title IX Coordinator, who can explain the College’s procedures for dealing with sexual misconduct complaints. You may also want to talk to a counselor in Counseling Services.

Targets of criminal sexual assault need not retain a private attorney to seek prosecution because legal issues will be handled through a representative from the District Attorney’s office. Parties may want to retain an attorney as an advisor and/or if they are considering filing a civil action. 

If you want to move, you may request a room change. Room changes under these circumstances are considered emergencies. It is the College’s policy that in emergency room changes, the student is moved to the first available suitable room. Other accommodations available to you might include the following:

  • Assistance from College support staff in completing the relocation;
  • Arranging to dissolve a housing contract and prorate a refund;
  • Exam, paper or assignment rescheduling;
  • Taking an incomplete in a class;
  • Transferring class sections;
  • Temporary withdrawal; and/or
  • Alternative course completion options;
  • A no-contact order;
  • Counseling assistance; and/or
  • Escorts or other campus safety protections.

Physical information of a sexual assault must be collected within about 120 hours of the assault for it to be useful in a criminal prosecution. If you believe you have been sexually assaulted, you should go to a hospital Emergency Room before washing yourself or your clothing. A sexual assault health professional (a specially trained nurse called a SANE) at the hospital is on call and will counsel you. If you go to the hospital, local police will be called but you are not obligated to talk to the police or to prosecute. The exam will help to keep that option open for you should you decide later to exercise it.

The hospital staff will collect information, check for injuries, and address the possibility of exposure to sexually transmitted infections. If you have changed clothing since the assault, bring the clothing you had on at the time of the assault with you to the hospital in a clean, sanitary container such as a clean paper grocery bag or wrapped in a clean sheet. (Plastic containers do not breathe and may render forensic information useless.) If you have not changed clothes, bring a change of clothes with you to the hospital, if possible, as they will likely keep the clothes you are wearing as information. You can take a support person with you to the hospital, and they can accompany you through the exam, if you want. Do not disturb the crime scene—leave all sheets, towels, etc. that may bear information for the police to collect.

No. The College offers amnesty in such situations. The seriousness of sexual misconduct is a major concern, and the College does not want any of the circumstances (e.g., drug or alcohol use) to inhibit the reporting of sexual misconduct.

No, not unless there is a compelling reason to believe that prior use or abuse is relevant to the present complaint.

If you believe that you have experienced non-consensual sexual contact, but are unsure of whether it was a violation of the College’s sexual misconduct policy, you should contact the Title IX Coordinator and/or Dean of Student Affairs. The College provides counselors who can help you to define and clarify the event(s), and advise you of your options.

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