Student Accounts Policies

Tuition and Housing Refunds

The official date of withdrawal used in calculating refunds will be the student’s last date of attendance as determined by the Registrar. Students dismissed from Otis College for disciplinary reasons forfeit the right to claim refunds of tuition, deposits, housing, and fees. Students who withdraw will have their tuition and fees reduced according to the following schedule. Students are responsible for any outstanding balances after adjustments are made.


If you withdraw or take a Leave of Absence in the fall* or spring and are completely moved out of Otis College Student Housing Program by 5:00 p.m.

Before classes begin 100%
Friday of the first week 90%
Friday of the second week 75%
Friday of the third week 50%
Friday of the fourth week 25%
After the fourth week 0%
Schedule is based on the full academic year cost of the Otis College Student Housing Program.

*The Housing Refund policy applies to all new students admitted in the spring semester.

Meal Plan Refunds

The day that a student moves out of housing will determine the last day of a student's meal plan. A refund will be issued back on the remaining days left in the board plan. 

Dining Dollars are not refunded, nor do they carry over from year to year. 

Tuition and Fees for 2024-2025

Undergraduate Tuition per semester $26,370
Undergraduate Per Credit Tuition (under 12 or over 18 credits) $2,200 
Graduate Tuition per semester $26,370 
Graduate Per Credit Tuition (under 9 or over 18 credits) $2,930 
Technology Fee per semester $143 
Health Center Fee per semester $230 
Student Activity Fee per semester $143 
Student Health Insurance Fees  
*Fall $1,080
*Spring/Summer (estimated costs—subject to change) $1,636

Course Based Fees for 2024-2025

Studio Course Materials Fees per semester vary—see schedule

Housing Costs and Fees for 2024-2025

Location and Room Type

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

Academic Year

Residence Hall Semester Cost $6,670 $6,670 $13,340
Park West Semester Cost – Shared Apartment $7,825 $7,825 $15,650
Park West Semester Cost – Private Apartment $15,650 $15,650 $31,300

Additional Fees
Application Fee – new students
Application Fee – returning residents

Damage Deposit (Park West Only)

$150 (nonrefundable)

$50 (nonrefundable)

$300 (refundable once a student moves out, less with any damages/charges)

*Students who sign up for the Otis College Student Housing Program, sign up for both Fall and Spring semesters and are billed accordingly. Students who are admitted in Spring and secure on-campus housing for spring, have the ability to sign a summer contract as well.

Meal Plan Costs* (Fall/Spring Academic Year)

Meal Plan Type

Fall Semester Cost

Spring Semester Cost

Academic Year

10 Meal Plan+100 Dining Dollars* $2,332 $2,144 $4,476
14 Meal Plan+150 Dining Dollars* $3,122 $2,850 $5,972
17 Meal Plan+150 Dining Dollars $3,596 $3,280 $6,876

*All foundation students are required to have a meal plan (at least a 14 meal plan in Residence Hall & 10 meal plan at Park West)

*All students above foundation level living in the Residence Hall are required at least a 10 meal plan. 

Miscellaneous Fees

Charge Type Charge Amount
Unofficial Academic Transcript No charge
Official Academic Transcript $5.40
Rush Official Academic Transcript $25
Returned Check Charge $25
Parking Violation minimum amount $35
Late Registration Fee $275

Owl Dollars (Students)

Owl Dollars loaded onto your OneCard remain on your OneCard until they are spent or until you are no longer enrolled as an Otis student. Refunds are not permitted while you are enrolled therefore carefully consider how much money you place on your card. Unused funds roll over from semester to semester as long as you are enrolled as an Otis student.

The minimum amount of Owl Dollars you can place per transaction is $1.00 and the maximum is $500. The maximum total amount of funds a student can have on their OneCard is $2,500. A refund of Owl Dollars can be processed ONLY if you have more than $10 on your OneCard and you are no longer an Otis College student (due to graduation or withdrawal/leave of absence).

If you meet these requirements, please complete a OneCard Refund Application. The Business Office will review your application and move the approved amount to your Student Account. The funds will be used to pay any outstanding charges on your Student Account. If a credit balance remains once all charges are paid, a refund will be issued within 2-4 weeks. Applications must be received within 90 days of graduation or withdrawal/leave of absence from Otis College.

Contact Us

The Division of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity & Inclusion supports holistic student development, student engagement, and co-curricular learning. Contact our team with questions. We’re here to help!

Phone: 310-665-6960

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