Earthquake and Fire Safety

Earthquake Preparedness

Earthquakes are a fact of life in Southern California. The following basic behaviors should become a routine part of a student’s life while at Otis College:

  1. Maintain a three-day supply of nonperishable food, such as peanut butter, canned tuna, granola bars, and dried fruit.
  2. Keep three gallons of bottled water per person in your home.
  3. Make arrangements with your family or significant others for an out-of-state contact person. According to the telephone company, it may be impossible to telephone people in California, but possible to call those in other states.
  4. Have a flashlight and a pair of sturdy shoes under your bed.
  5. Do not place your bed directly under a window and do not hang heavy items, such as pictures or a bookshelf, over your bed.

Fire Code

National and local fire and safety codes prohibit the use of any corridor, elevators, pathway, fire exit, or common area used for exiting to be obstructed or used for exhibitions of any kind whatsoever. A means of egress is an unobstructed path to leave buildings, structures, and spaces. A means of egress consists of exit access, exit, and exit discharge. These areas include the hallway leading to the restrooms, stairwells, and elevators. This is the “central core” of the building and the fire exit corridor. No exhibition or installation may be allowed that may create an unsafe condition or hazard.

Remember: Tripping is the leading cause for injury when exiting a building from a fire or earthquake; and subsequently, may cause one to be trampled to death or severely injured.

Fire/ Emergency Evacuation

All students, faculty, and other emergency planning staff are required to participate in fire drills, which are held from time to time. It is of utmost importance to maintain order and follow directions because the alarm system may indicate a real fire condition. Take your valuables and re-enter only when administrative staff so instructs. The evacuation map can be found on the LiveSafe app, under Resources: Emergency & Safety Tips, under Fire.

Fire Safety

In all cases when an employee, student, or visitor becomes aware of a fire, call the fire department (911) immediately. Activate the fire alarm in the building and proceed to the nearest safe location.

When calling 911, have the following information ready:

  1. The name of the building.
  2. Location of the fire within the building.
  3. A description of the fire, and if known, how it started.
  4. The phone number or extension that you are calling from.
  5. Do not hang up until you are told to do so. After you call 911, be sure to call Otis College security personnel at (310) 665-6965.

Contact Us

The Division of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity & Inclusion supports holistic student development, student engagement, and co-curricular learning. Contact our team with questions. We’re here to help!

Phone: 310-665-6960

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