Rapid Prototyping

File Type:

Save CAD file (Rhino, SolidWorks, etc.) as an .STL file (stereolithography)

Cost of Printing:

Calculate your build in cubic inches and use the equations below to estimate printing costs:

ProJet 360 (powder) total cubic inches x $6.00 = cost of printing

Dimension SST (plastic) total cubic inches x 1.5 x $8.00 = cost of printing

Form2 (resin) total liquid volume (mL) x $0.50 = cost of printing

*Remember this is just an approximate estimate. You will be given your total cost at the time of pickup.

(You can check your model volume in Rhino under “Analyze” > “Mass Properties” > “Volume” )

Submitting Your File:

  1. Once your file is completed, please submit it by emailing to modelshop@otis.edu. Please include your name, phone number, and any special instructions.
  2. Once the techs have looked over your file and it has been cleared for printing, we will email you with a quote for you apporval.
  3. Files are printed in the order they are received. Most 3D prints will be finished within a week, sometimes sooner. If you are under a tight deadline, please ask in advance for an estimate on when your file will be done.
  4. All files will be paid for using the papercut system. Once the file is complete we will charge your account.
  5. Once the file has been paid for, you will receive an email letting you know that your file is done, and the shelf you can pick up from.

Printing Tips:

Make sure your file is saved in inches.

Separate parts into different .STL files, or space them closely together to conserve space.

Set all file parts onto the zero ground plane.

Maximum Build Envelope:

Printer Bed Size Min Resolution
Projet 360 (powder) 8" x 10" x 8" H 0.004" , 100 micron
Dimension F170 (plastic) 10" x 10" x 10" H 0.005" , 100 micron
Form2 (resin) 5.7" x 5.7" x 6.9" 0.001" , 25 micron
Ultimaker ProS5 Pro 13" x 9.4" x 11.8" 0.001" , 25 micron