Adding Cash to Your PaperCut Account

Step One

Press 1 on the keypad to add cash to your PaperCut Account

Press 2 on the keypad to purchase a Guest Print Card

Step Two

Swipe your Otis ID or enter your ID number on the keypad (omit the X from your ID number)

Step Three

Enter your PIN or Choose a new PIN if this is your first time using the system. Then press the key.

Step Four

Once the blue light flashes on the ePort, swipe your Credit or Debit card. Each time you swipe, $10.00 will be added to your PaperCut account. (Note: you must wait for the blue light to flash each time before you swipe to add cash.) There are no refunds.

Step Five

Press the key to end the transaction and print a receipt.

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