Minor in Art History

Program Requirements

Our Mission: 

The Art History minor offers students an opportunity to focus on an expanded range of historical and cultural ideas about art and art making. The minor provides a guided and structured approach to diverse critical methods for exploring the cultural creation, meaning, dissemination, and impact of visual images, objects, and practices.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Students enrolled in the Art History minor will:

  • Develop and articulate connections across applied studio and Liberal Studies disciplinary perspectives.
  • Analyze and contextualize the art historical canon(s) as tools for critical and creative problem solving, both as students and future working artist designers.
  • Identify and analyze the broad history of both Western and non-Western art production in ways that connect those histories to real-world applications in current and future creative job markets.
  • Demonstrate critical and imaginative approaches to the study of art history, past and contemporary, that challenge and reverse normalized, center-periphery binaries privileging western over indigenous, abled/neuro-typical over disabled/neurodivergent, cis over diverse genders.
  • Develop visual and information literacy skills in order to locate, critically evaluate, and use resources from both traditional and emerging technologies effectively and ethically
  • Demonstrate an awareness of how art’s diverse histories connect artists to social justice, engagement with community, and a robust respect for equity, difference, and inclusion. 

Course Title

Course Number



*It is recommended that at least one AHCS310 course has a non-western focus. Students who have a discipline specific art/design history requirement for their major may have that count towards one AHCS310 elective.

**LIBS440 Capstone paper should address an Art History topic. LIBS440 Capstone/Senior Thesis for Fine Arts majors will fulfill this requirement. Students who have a dedicated capstone for their major will complete one capstone course that combines both their major
and minor

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For questions related to the advising and registration process (using Degree Works or Plan Ahead), CAIL, LAS or minors, please contact us.

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