Students At Otis College

The Charles White Art and Design scholarship is a four-year scholarship opportunity available to underrepresented young artists and designers from Los Angeles and beyond. Priority will be given to students who identify as Black/African-American; Latinx; Asian; Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander; American Indian or Alaska Native; or students who identify as bi- or multi-racial.


Prospective applicants should meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Must identify as being a member of an underrepresented community
  • Demonstrated financial need
  • Strong creative talent and portfolio 
  • GPA of 3.0 or higher 


  • 2023: Beginning in 2023, the Charles White Art and Design Scholarship will expand to include one recipient annually from Los Angeles County, and one from anywhere in the United States. 

How to Apply

  • Step 1: Complete an Application for Admission to Otis College 
  • Step 2: Eligible applicants will be asked to provide a written response to the following question/prompt: 
    • "An artist must bear a special responsibility. They must be accountable for the content of their work. And that work should reflect a deep, abiding concern for humanity. How does your view of your art/design work agree and/or disagree with Charles White’s statement?
    • To help answer this question, applicants are encouraged to review the essay, “Charles White, Artist and Teacher” by Esther Adler, linked below. "Charles White, Artist and Teacher"


  • February 15, 2024: Otis Application for Admission.
    • To be considered for the Charles White Scholarship, you must have a complete application submitted by February 15, 2024. An application is considered complete when all required supplemental materials and application are also submitted. Learn more about how to submit your application and explore the supplemental material requirements.
  • March 15, 2024: Supplemental Charles White Art and Design Scholarship Application