Shared Governance

Shared governance is the process by which various constituents contribute to decision-making related to college policy and procedure. When done well, shared governance enhances an institution’s ability to achieve its mission and strategic goals by strengthening the quality of leadership and deeply informing institutional decisions. Effective shared governance also engenders an institutional culture of collective ownership and accountability for the institution’s present and future.*

Academic Assembly

The Academic Assembly is an important part of the overall system of campus governance. The Assembly, together with the Faculty Senate, form a faculty governance structure in which faculty engage in discussion and consultation, and participate in the operation of the college for the purpose of providing the highest quality education available. Academic Assembly Community is available through MyOtis and the College's Learning Management System for all faculty. This is where minutes are kept and agendas posted. (Requires login.)

Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate is an independent advisory body that supports the College in shared governance through its commitment to academic integrity and academic freedom for Otis faculty. It promotes faculty participation in institutional decision-making, works in coordination with the Academic Assembly Community, and encourages collegiality and cooperation among all members of the Otis community in support of their mutual well-being and the College's mission. To these ends, the Faculty Senate provides a democratic forum for discussion, consensus and proactive communication.

President's Council

The President's Council provides advisory input on topics of campus-wide interest to ensure mission-centric and strategic college administration and informed decision-making, and to foster teamwork and high workplace performance through diverse consultative leadership.

* Note: A central web repository for the 2019/2020 task force on Shared Governance at Otis College can be found in the Dashboard. A new Statement on Shared Governance will be shared there with an accompanying Visual Guide and numerous other relevant documents to help make shared governance at Otis readily visible. Messaging on campus will announce the launch of the new central webpage and the Statement following feedback gathering and revision through spring 2020.