Otis College Creative Economy Panel of Experts


Karen Bass at Otis College Event

Otis Report on the Creative Economy

Since 2007, Otis has commissioned an annual report as a tool to assess the tremendous impact of the creative sector on the region’s economy.

Otis College Campus Commons

Strategic Plan

The 2019-24 Working Strategic Plan has been deeply guided by broad community input gathering through numerous large group forums and scheduled planning meetings, events, and survey research including all constituencies.

Initiatives LP Sustainability Card


The Otis Sustainability Alliance brings together creative leaders who are committed to advancing the environmental, social, educational, and economic dimensions of sustainability through our work as artists, designers, and educators.

Explore Our Sustainability Initiatives

Initiatives LP Your Creative Future Card

International Partnerships

Otis College is committed to expanding its reach globally through its substantial network of talented and successful alumni, its signature and tailor-made programs with partner institutions, and its active engagement in the disciplines of art and design.

Learn More About International Partnerships