Code of Student Conduct


The Code of Student Conduct at Otis College of Art and Design is rooted in a philosophy that emphasizes respect, integrity, and responsibility, reflecting the institution's commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive academic environment.

This code outlines the expectations for student behavior both on and off campus, ensuring that students act in a manner that upholds the values of the college. The jurisdiction of the code extends to all college-affiliated activities, whether they occur on campus, in residence halls, or at off-campus events, and includes behavior that may impact the college community.

Violations of the law are taken seriously under this code, with the college reserving the right to pursue disciplinary action independent of any legal proceedings. This means that students may face consequences from the college even if they are involved in legal matters outside of campus. The Student Conduct rules and expectations are clearly outlined, covering areas such as academic integrity, respect for others, and adherence to college policies on alcohol, drugs, and discrimination. Students are expected to be familiar with these rules and to conduct themselves accordingly at all times.

The student conduct process at Otis College is designed to be fair and educational, aiming to help students understand the impact of their actions and to promote personal growth. When a violation occurs, the process typically begins with a report, followed by an investigation and a hearing if necessary. The student conduct authority, usually comprised of trained administrators or faculty members, oversees this process to ensure that it is carried out impartially and in accordance with college policies. Formal conduct procedures include the right to a hearing, the presentation of evidence, and the opportunity for the student to respond to the charges.

The Code of Student Conduct at Otis College is a comprehensive framework that ensures a safe and respectful campus environment. It empowers students to take responsibility for their actions while providing a clear pathway for addressing misconduct. The process emphasizes education and personal accountability, with the goal of maintaining the high standards of behavior expected at Otis College.

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