
MA (English) CSU Dominguez Hills


Yael Samuel is a Santa Monica-based writer and editor. Her work has been published in Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies and Gender Issues, Rain Taxi Review of Books, Jewish, and the Levantine Cultural Center Newsletter. She was curatorial and design associate for Green Dolphin Street etching editions, including works by Luchita Hurtado, Jason Moran, and Christopher Wool, and artists’ books text editor and production associate for Edition JS, including works by Marina Abramović, Guillermo Kuitca, Gabriel Orozco, Meredith Monk, Miroslaw Balka, Dan Graham, Andrea Zittel, Chris Burden, and Newton and Helen Mayer Harrison. She was Executive Director of 10,000 Kites, a 2004-5 project of the Association for Art in the Community and Cross-Cultural Dialog: Israeli and Palestinian artists and educators encourage dialogue through mutual artistic creations.


Portrait of Yael Samuel

Awards and Honors

Faculty Development Grants:

  • “Supporting ESL Students in Introductory Art History Courses,” Consortium for the Liberal Education of Artists (CLEA) Conference, hosted by John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, April 5-7, 2018
  • “Research Anxiety, the Click-Bait-Rabbit Hole, and Why Consulting a Librarian Matters” (OARS) Grant Report, Otis College of Art and Design, May 1, 2018
  • “Staging the Homemade, the Ready-made, and the Unpaid in Guy Ben-Ner’s Stealing Beauty,” Global Perspectives in Theatre session at PAMLA conference, Scripps College, Claremont, November 5, 2011
  • “Reclaiming Women’s Bodies: Wangechi Mutu and the Aesthetics of Violence,” Arts and Women’s Studies session at Hawaiian International Conference on Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education, Honolulu Hawaii, June 4, 2011 
  • “Ambiguity of Place: Domesticating Identity in the Post-exilic Narrative of Mona Hatoum,” Staging Dispossession in Mixed Media session at Staging the Middle East in Theatre and Through Performance conference at University of California, Riverside, April 3, 2009 

Professional Accomplishments/Exhibitions:  

Artist Publications:

  • Newton and Helen Mayer Harrison Greenhouse Britain (2011) 
  • Chris Burden Coyote Stories (2005) 
  • Andrea Zittel Rules of Raugh (2005) 
  • Dan Graham Two-Way Mirror/Hedge Projects (2004) 
  • Frank Gehry Flowing in all Directions (2003) 
  • Miroslav Balka Entering Paradise (2003) 
  • Meredith Monk Vocal Gestures (2003) 
  • Guillermo Kuitca Puro Teatro (2002) 
  • Gabriel Orozco Lint Book (2002) 
  • Marina Abramović Spirit Cooking (and other aphrodisiac recipes) (1996) 
Print Editions: 

  • Wangechi Mutu Eve (2006) 
  • Nancy Rubins Studies (2006) (Production and Design) 
  • Niki de St. Phalle Noah’s Ark (1998) 
Collections include: Getty Research Institute; LACMA, MoMA, New York; Tate Gallery, London; Metropolitan Museum, New York; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Kunsthaus, Zürich; Staatliche Museum, Berlin; Bibliotech Nationale, Paris; Spencer Collection, New York Public Library; Jerome Robbins Library, Lincoln Center, New York, New York 

Print Editions: 

  • Wangechi Mutu Eve (2006) 
  • Nancy Rubins Studies (2006) (Production and Design) 
  • Niki de St. Phalle Noah’s Ark (1998) 
Collections include: Getty Research Institute; LACMA, MoMA, New York; Tate Gallery, London; Metropolitan Museum, New York; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Kunsthaus, Zürich; Staatliche Museum, Berlin; Bibliotech Nationale, Paris; Spencer Collection, New York Public Library; Jerome Robbins Library, Lincoln Center, New York, New York 


  • "Archaeology of Metaphor: The Art of Gilah Yelin Hirsch" Book Review. Nashim Volume 43. Indiana University Press Spring 2024
  • "Let Us Now Praise Emptiness” Book Review.  Praise Emptiness: Essays Verbal and Visual by Judith Margolis and Phillip Miller. Rain Taxi. Summer 2023 Print Edition.
  • C.S. Giscombe and Judith Margolis Train Music: Writing Pictures. Book Review. Nashim. Volume 40. Indiana University Press Spring 2022
  • “The Border Road.” Jewish October 2016
  • “Meredith Monk: Between Time and Timelessness in Book of Days." Nashim: Women in the Visual Arts, Indiana University Press: Fall 2007

Clients/Employment History:  

  • Curatorial, Design, and Production Associate: 2016 – 2021: Green Dolphin Street - etching editions, Santa Monica California:
Publications: Luchita Hurtado (2019); Jason Moran (2018); Christopher Wool (2016)
  • Editor and Production Associate, 1986-2016: Edition Jacob Samuel, Santa Monica, California: 

    Edited artists’ texts for publication in limited edition artist books and collaborated and consulted on the production of print editions. Entire archives of EJS publications are in the collections of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Hammer Museum, and The Museum of Modern Art, New York: