
  • 2023 Masters in Studio Practice, Teachers College, Columbia University
  • 2022 Teaching Artist Certificate, Otis College of Art and Design
  • 2009 Bachelor of Architecture, California State Polytechnique Pomona


Stephanie Wang Moncayo is a multidisciplinary artist, designer, and educator whose career has been profoundly shaped by the transformative power of art education. Her studies in critical pedagogy have reinforced her commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion as a Latinx artist and educator.

Stephanie has mentored students since 2021 in the Rise Above Plastics initiative within the CAIL program at Otis College of Art and Design, where she collaborated with environmental non-profits like Surfrider and 5 Gyres on campaigns to raise awareness about plastic pollution and sustainability. Her mentorship included guiding students in project development, interdisciplinary analysis, and crafting impactful strategies to reduce single-use plastic.

As a lecturer in the Interdisciplinary Studies and Liberal Arts Department, Stephanie is dedicated to empowering students to use their creativity as a force for change. She teaches Critical Pedagogy and Art Education, emphasizing creative and critical thinking, innovation, sustainability, equity, inclusion, and radical collaboration as the foundation for creating spaces that foster meaningful and positive work.

She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from California State Polytechnic Pomona, a Teaching Artist Certification from Otis College of Art and Design, and a Master’s in Studio Practice from Teachers College at Columbia University.

Portrait of Stephanie Want Moncayo

Professional Accomplishments/Exhibitions

  • 2023 Convergence, The Painting Center, NY
  • 2023 Capstone Exhibition, Macy Gallery, Teachers College, Columbia Univesity, NY
  • 2022 Weaving Systems, Digital Exhibition, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY