Mark Farina

Senior Lecturer | Creative Action, BFA Graphic Design


  • MFA Otis College of Art
  • BFA Edinboro University

Otis Teaching Experience

  • Senior Lecturer, Communication Arts, and MFA Graphic Design
  • Lead Instructor, On Screen Production and Concepts, 2021-2022
  • Lead Instructor, Summer of Art: Printmaking /Urban Art, 2022
  • Advisor, Tennis Club, 2020- 2022
  • Workshop Instructor, Foundation Department: Intro to Video, 2019
  • Mentor, Fine Arts: Sculpture Students, 2018-2020
  • Mentor, CAIL class: Made for Kids /Westside Global Awareness, 2018
  • Mentor, YouTube Video production class, 2015
  • Mentor and Lead Instructor, CAIL Radio, varied upon semester 2012-2021
Mark X Farina's Work
Mark X Farina's Work
Mark X Farina's Work
Mark X Farina's Work
Mark X Farina's Work


Mark Farina's Portrait

Awards and Honors


Clients and Employment History

Current Employment

Volunteer for Charity Organizations

Previous involvement