
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Bachelor's of Fine Arts

Otis College of Art and Design, Bachelor's Fashion Design (With Honors)

Art Center College of Design, Masters of Fine Arts

Bio and Affiliation

A native of Kansas City, Mo., Beth Abaravich has a Bachelor’s in Fine Art from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and in Fashion Design from Otis College of Art and Design.  In 2018 she received an MFA from Art Center College of Design.  She has worked as a fashion designer, fashion illustrator, knitwear designer, and instructor at Otis, FIDM, and Art Center.  As a multimedia artist, she constructs new identities with resin, textiles, and paint. She resides in Los Angeles with her family and Pharaoh Hound Hannah.

Awards and Honors

Not Real Art Grant 2019

Clients and Employment History

  • Assistant Designer/ Janet Howard
  • Assistant Designer/ Bob Mackie
  • Swimwear Designer & Illustrator - G. DIAS
  • Instructor / FIDM
  • Instructor / Art Center
  • Faculty / Otis College of Art and Design
  • Contributing Writer, Scenes From the Edge of Fashion / Not Real Art Blog