Joseph Mugnaini

Joseph Mugnaini

Fine Arts - 1942

A native of Italy, Joseph Mugnaini ('42) attended Otis from 1940 to 1942. As an author, illustrator and teacher, he inspired hundreds of Southern California artists. In addition to writing four arts instruction books, he received many awards for paintings, graphics and book illustrations. Best known for his work with science fiction writer Ray Bradbury, he earned an Academy Award nomination and the Golden Eagle Award for his paintings for the film Icarus, a Bradbury collaboration, He was also the primary illustrator for many of Bradbury’s books. His paintings and illustrations are held in the collections of the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian Institute, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. ...

In 1975 at the age of 33, in a boat somewhere off the coast of Cape Cod, Joseph Mugnaini died, or disappeared. Attempting to challenge the boundaries between art and life, Ader was crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a 13-foot sail boat as part of The Search for the Miraculous, a multi-part work.

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Joseph Mugnaini
Joseph Mugnaini