Sarah Perry

Sarah Perry

Fine Arts - 1983

Sarah Perry (’83, Fine Arts) received her BFA from Otis, and taught there for seven years. She has had solo shows at Hunsaker/Schlesinger Fine Art in Santa Monica, Santa Monica College, the Armory Center of the Arts in Pasadena, and the Laband Art Gallery at Loyola Marymount University. One reviewer described her work in the following way: “Mummified bird parts, copper tubing, lizard heads, rubber tires, mice molars, steel, burned tortillas, cat hair, glass rods, twine, bone dust and clay — these and other quirky materials are seamlessly, even organically combined in Sarah Perry's sculptures, which [has been described] as ‘a marriage of Charles Darwin and P.T. Barnum.’ Perry's works explore the mysteries of life and death, decay and rebirth, using discarded junk that she finds in the Nevada desert. One of her best known works is Route 40: Bill, a remarkably realistic, 700-pound gorilla made from discarded rubber truck tires wrapped around a steel armature. Awarded with a Getty Artist Fellowship and a grant from the City of Los Angeles , Perry is also the author of If, a children’s book published by the Getty.

Sarah Perry
Sarah Perry
Sarah Perry