Sandeep Mukherjee
Fine Arts - 1996
Born in India and based in Los Angeles, Mukherjee ('96) has exhibited at UCLA's Hammer Museum, Pomona College's Museum of Art, Pitzer College, MOCA/L.A., Margo Leavin, and Brennan & Griffin, N.Y.
"In fields of glowing color," writes Rebecca McGrew of Pomona College Museum of Art,
"Mukherjee draws exquisitely rendered figures and forms that hover and float through
an enigmatic space." She notes that Mukherjee "conflates Asian landscape painting
conventions with a postmodern image of subjectivity as presented through shifting
figure/ground relationships and the poetic ambiguity of the narrative content. [He]
explore[s] phenomenological relations among light and space, to question traditional
notions of representation, and to alter profoundly our expectations of art and consciousness."
Known for his mesmerizing, nuanced, ethereal, minimalist figurative works, Mukherjee
fuses Indian techniques with his own sensibilities of fleeting spatial relationships
punctuated by various materials and juxtaposed textures.
Mukherjee has had solo exhibitions at the Pomona Museum, Pitzer College, and Brennan
& Griffin, N.Y. (2012). Group exhibitions include BravinLee programs, N.Y., the MAK
Center at the Schindler House, and "Conversations," curated by Connie Butler at Museum
of Contemporary Art, L.A..