Robert Irwin

Robert Irwin

Fine Arts - 1950

Robert Irwin ('50) was born in Long Beach, California, in 1928, and has exhibited widely in museums and galleries in North America and abroad since his first solo exhibition in 1957. In 1984, Irwin received a MacArthur Fellowship - the first ever awarded to an artist. In 1993, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles initiated a major retrospective of his work, which traveled to Paris, Madrid, and Cologne. In 2008, the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego presented another comprehensive retrospective spanning fifty years of Irwin's career. ...

"My art has never been about ideas… My interest in art has never been about abstraction; it has always been about experience… My pieces were never meant to be dealt with intellectually as ideas, but to be considered experientially." - Robert Irwin, Reshaping the Shape of Things

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Robert Irwin
Robert Irwin